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Neo edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 4 revisions


Instr class is the representation of a CPU instruction.

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While you can use the new keyword to create instances of this class. It is not advisable since it is a little tedious. Instead the following 2 functions have been provided to work as 'constructors'.


This is the more commonly used function in scripts. It extracts the instruction at the specified address in the Exe.


Instr.FromAddr(addr, [reflect])
Instr.FromAddr(addr, addrType, [reflect])
Instr.FromAddr(addr, result, [reflect])
Instr.FromAddr(addr, addrType, result, [reflect])
Argument Description
addr The address to extract from
addrType Optional AddrType of the address specified.
If omitted, it is considered to be the PHYSICAL address.
result Optional holder for the resulting Instr object.
This is useful if you wish to alter an existing object instead of creating a new one.
reflect Optional boolean indicating whether changes from patches need to be 'reflected'.
If omitted, reflection is not done.


This is mostly used internally by the [Instruction generators]. It constructs the object using specific data as described below.


Instr.FromParts(data, code, oper)
Argument Description
data An OpData object describing the various arguments & prefixes used in the instruction.
code The opcode or list of opcodes (for multi-byte opcode instruction).
oper The operation number (only needed for certain instructions.


Property name Description
Addr The Exe address from where this instruction was extracted.
Set to -1 if created FromParts.
Prefixes List of prefix bytes.
Codes List of opcode bytes.
MRM The extracted/calculated ModRM object.
SIB The extracted/calculated SIBase object.
Disp The displacement value used for any memory pointers. It can be undefined.
BC_Disp The byte count of the displacement. The default is 0 for no displacement.
Immd The immediate value used. It can be undefined.
BC_Immd The byte count of the immediate value. The default is 0 for no immediates.
SegNum Segment number for FAR type instructions. It can be undefined.
NestLvl Nesting level used for ENTER instruction. It can be undefined.
Size The total size of the instruction in bytes.
NextAddr The address for the next instruction. Only becomes valid if Addr is valid.


These functions check for some aspects of the object.


Checks if the instruction requires a ModRM object.



Result: true or false


Checks if the instruction has to reverse its argument order.



Result: true or false


Checks if the instruction has an address override prefix (AD16)



Result: true or false


Checks if the instruction has an operand override prefix (OPCH).



Result: true or false



Calculates the size of immediate value expected. BC_Immd property is set to the calculated value.



Result: the calculated size


Calculates the target VIRTUAL address (assuming the instruction is a direct CALL or one of the Jumps).



Result: the calculated address


Extracts the instruction from an address relative to the NextAddr and returns it's Instr object.


Argument Description
offset The offset relative to the NextAddr from where we need to extract.
If omitted, offset is considered 0 i.e. the very next instruction is extracted.

Returns: the extracted Instr object


These functions modify the members of the Instr object being used.


It works identical to getNext, but the current Instr object is updated instead.


Argument Description
offset The offset relative to the NextAddr from where we need to extract.
If omitted, offset is considered 0 i.e. the very next instruction is extracted.

Returns: the updated Instr object itself


Adds an instruction prefix to the Instr object. If an array of values are specified, then the entire prefix set is replaced.


Argument Description
p Either the IPrefix object, it's underlying value or an array of prefixes.

Returns: the updated Instr object itself


Adds the opcode byte(s) to the Instr object. If an array of opcodes are specified, then the entire opcode set is replaced.


Argument Description
o The opcode byte or an array of opcodes.

Returns: the updated Instr object itself



Override of the toString function to construct the hex equivalent of the Instr object.

Usage of the object in a string context will automatically invoke this function. (For e.g. while constructing new code to be inserted.)



Returns: the hex equivalent

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