Faz detecção a leitura do tópico da zed2, e publica a imagem com labels no tópico detector_2d/objects_label/image
Requirements to run on jetson using GPU
- torch==1.14.0a0+44dac51c.nv23.02
- torchvision==0.15.0a0+0e62c34
First you must have to uninstall the current torch/torchvision version. The documentation to install the torch here and the torchvision can not be installed by pip, have to be installed by source, and to work with te current torch (jetson) version correctly, before you run the setup.py install, you have to replace two directories that you can find here (follow the replace steps in the readme), and then run pythonX.X setup.py install --user
in the vision dir.