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magenoxx edited this page May 12, 2014 · 3 revisions


This page describes main steps to make mage updater working back again.

The page is in progress.


Mage Updater consists of the following components:

  • mage-updater.jar - jar that does all actual job
  • startUpdater.jar, startUpdater.bat - scripts that run updater
  • update-data.txt - contains meta configuration with the sha1 checksums to let updater know what should be removed/updated/added


Whenever new release or dev version is created you need to perform the following steps for updater:

  • unpack dev/release bundle and go to that folder
  • copy mage-updater.jar and scripts to the root folder: in the same where "client" and "server" are
  • run script that generates meta configuration into "update-data.txt"
  • make new "update-data.txt" available on

Meta configuration

It is plain text file with the sha1 checksums.

These checksums should be generated with the following commands (example):

sha1sum mage-server/lib/*.jar > update-data.txt

TODO: we need to create such script from scratch as seems it was lost

to do so at first we need to define what files need to be tracked on releases


  • To test it now (while is not available) you may edit hosts file with:

and then enable any web sharing server (e.g. apache)

  • On Mac OS you'll probably need to install gnu coreutils for "sha1cmd" cmd line tool

brew install coreutils

Then it will be available here:


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