This project used the data from the preprint "Diet unmasks genetic variants that regulate lifespan in outbred Drosophila" (Pallares et al. 2021).
Following is a brief summary of the Pallares et al. (2021) experimental setup. Please refer to the original supplemental materials for a more detailed description.
- Flies came from pools A and B.
- 1,000 flies sampled from each pool at beginning of experiment and recorded for "time 0" (flies were 1-3 days old).
- Four cages filled with 10,000 flies each from pool A, and two cages filled with 10,000 flies each from pool B.
- Three cages were fed a "high sugar" diet (22.5% sugar) and three were fed a standard lab diet (7.5% sugar).
- When the last ~500 surviving flies remain in a given cage, they were collected and recorded for "time N" (flies were 32-59 days old).
The goal of the project was twofold:
(1) Replicate the authors' original analysis, which used a beta binomial to classify SNPs as having a statistically significant effect on lifespan in the high sugar environment (HS), in the control environment (CTRL), in both environments, or in neither.
(2) Create a new model that adds an interaction term between time and environment, and compare to the original model results.
I used four files from the authors in my analysis.
- "29Jun20_merged_alt_counts_allCHR.txt" - 271,536 rows corresponding to SNPs. Each row has allele counts for the 10,000 flies that were mapped to the alternate gene.
- "29Jun20_merged_both_counts_allCHR.txt" - same as above, but the total count mapped.
- "29Jun20_merged_sample_info.txt" - info on the 10,000 flies (timepoint, cage number, starting pool, sex, HS or CTRL, etc).
- "SummaryTable_allsites_12Nov20.txt" - summary of authors' original analysis, including classification of each site as HS, CTRL, both, or NS.
- "beta_binomial.R" - this script recreates the original beta-binomial model from Pallares et al.
- "int_model.R" - this script fits the new model with an interaction term for time:env; it was run on TACC using the associated slurm file after splitting the count data in 272 files of 1000 rows each.
- "int_model.slurm" - slurm file for submitting int_model.R to run on TACC
- "plot_int_model_results.R" - reads in the output from int_model.R and creates a variety of plots for analysis