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Running Idomaar on Amazon AWS

Davide edited this page Jan 11, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • Amazon AWS account and API keys: the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_PRIVATEKEY generated from AWS IAM, the account must have the privileges to create machines on EC2
  • SSH key: the pem file needed to access the newly created machines

Configure the environment

  • Install the vagrant-aws plugin ( with vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws.
  • Choose the region, instance type and AMI and modify the section "AMAZON AWS" of the vagrant files:
    AWS_REGION = 'us-west-2'
    AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME ='idomaar'
    AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE ='t2.small'
    AWS_AMI = 'ami-5189a661' #Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

Run on AWS

Start the environment with: