A Project for Computer Programming @ KMITL
- Sudoku is a 9x9 grid number puzzle with 3x3 9-sub grid. The Game start with a few of digits 1 - 9 in 9x9 grid, requires player to fill blanks in a 9x9 grid with digits. each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids must contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
- Sudoku Full Crack is a GUI program with Qt that will teach you how to complete a Sudoku, step by step, it will also teach you the used technique too.
- This program is for people who not have experiences for Sudoku.
- This program is created for people who want to brain training, making you gain intelligence.
- Helps in the habit of deliberate planning. make a benefit from free time.
- Qt >= 5.10
- MinGW 5.30 32bit g++
Download and Install Qt Creator and follow the below setting.
git clone https://github.com/KurokoChu/Sudoku-Full-Crack
Open SudokuFullCrack.pro and build it.
Make sure to select kit as Desktop Qt 5.10.1 MinGW 32bit.
Run execute file in release folder (it doesn't require a setup).
The right side of the game is cell Activity number 1-9 to fill in the table.
List step it's responsible for checking the wrong slot and displaying the correct information. When Press All possible step Button.
Right bottom is 4 buttons,
- Start Game Button - Playable mode, you can play by yourself and check for solution, press again to see score result.
- Generate Puzzle Button - Get Sudoku Puzzle can be different up to 8000 games.
- All possible step Button - Show the solution in each slot.
- New Button - Clear the table to start new game.
You can set value in cell by clicking the panel to select the number and press on sudoku cell. You can also use numpad instead.
Select the number by click the numpad on 'Cell Activity' tab or press the numpad keyboard and fill it into cell.
Angkrit Boonrod | Wassapol Pungjap | Supakit Rodthong |
59070191 | 60070088 | 60070099 |
@ITFSTUDENT191 | @abc666777 | @KurokoChu |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kitsuchart Pasupa | Asst. Prof. Dr. Panwit Tuwanut |
Faculty of Information Technology
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang