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Dmitry Romanov edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 9 revisions

Deploying RCDB MySQL database on local machine.

0. Clone RCDB repo

Here is a very brief instruction for it (for bash shell):

git clone
cd rcdb
source environment.bash

# now to check that everything works, test connect to HallD RCDB
export RCDB_CONNECTION=mysql://[email protected]/rcdb

rcnd should answer something like:

Runs total: 10462
Last run  : 42387
Condition types total: 53
<list of conditions>

More information is in Installation chapter

1. Create MySQL database

mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'rcdb'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rcdb.* TO 'rcdb'@'localhost';

2. Create DB structure

And fill in a minimal set of common conditions.

python $RCDB_HOME/python/ -c mysql://rcdb@localhost/rcdb --i-am-sure --add-def-con

The right answer should be:

creating database:
database created
default conditions filled

3. Testing the installation

Now check rcdn

export RCDB_CONNECTION=mysql://rcdb@localhost/rcdb

The output should be like:

Runs total: 0
Condition types total: 13
<list of conditions>

Lets create a first run (run 1) and fill event_count=12345 for run 1

rcnd --new-run 1
rcnd --write 12345 --replace 1 event_count

#lets check conditions for run 1
rcnd 1

Output should be like:

event_count = 12345

More about rcnd command and command line tools one could find in CLI basics chapter.

4. Test run the web site

python $RCDB_HOME/

The output should be like:

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with reloader

Now follow to in the browser to see the site.