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Dmitry Romanov edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

(!) Important notice:

Initially it was planned that RCDB should have two commands:

  • rcdb - to select values and readout the database
  • arcdb - which stands for 'admin rcdb' that allows to add data and manipulate the DB

But because RCDB needed something from the beginning, rcnd tool was created which has some limited abilities to get data from the database and add new values. rcnd was planned as a temporary command while a/rcdb commands would be in development. In reality, the development has been slowed down and at this point we have:

  • rcnd - widely used command with pretty limited abilities for getting and adding data to DB
  • rcdb - command that has VERY limited abilities and misleads users becuase of it.

Solutions? Best would be to participate in RCDB development.


> export RCDB_CONNECTION=mysql://rcdb@localhost/rcdb
> rcnd --help                            # Gives you self descriptive help
> rcnd -c mysql://rcdb@localhost/rcdb    # -c flag sets connection string from command line
> rcnd                                   # Gives database statistics, number of runs and conditions


Runs total: 1387
Last run  : 2472
Condition types total: 9


Getting condition names and info

To get all conditions -l or --list flags are to be used. It shows condition names, types and descriptions (if exists):

> rcnd -l
components (json)
component_stats (json)
event_count (int) - Run events count
event_rate (float) - Events per sec.

To get names only use --list-names:

> rcnd --list-names

Getting value by the run number

To see all conditions and values for a run:

> rcnd 1000          # See all recorded values for run 1000
components = (json){"ROCBCAL2": "ROC", "ROCBCAL3": "ROC", "ROCBCAL1":...
component_stats = (json){"ROCBCAL2": {"evt-number": 487, "data-rate": 300....
event_count = 487
rtvs = (json){"%(CODA_ROL1)": "/home/hdops/CDAQ/daq_dev_v0.31/d...
run_config = 'pulser.conf'
run_type = 'hd_bcal_n.ti'

Add name to get value of the only condition:

> rcnd 1000 event_count

> rcnd 1000 components

Writing data

Creating condition type (need to be done once):

> rcnd --create my_value --type string --description "This is my value"
ConditionType created with name='my_value', type='string', is_many_per_run='False'

Where --type is:

  • bool, int, float, string - basic types. float is the default
  • json - to store arrays or custom objects
  • time - to store just time. (You can alwais add time information to any other type)
  • blob - binary blob. Don't use it if possible

Naming policy (not strict at all):

  • Don't use spaces. Use '_' instead
  • Full words are better. So 'event_count' is better than evt_cnt
  • Max name is 255 character. But please, make them shorter

Write value for run 1000 for condition 'my_value'

> rcnd --write "value to write" --replace 1000 my_value
Written 'my_value' to run number 1000

Without --replace error is raised, if run 1000 already have different value for 'my_value'