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Basic Game Example (FXGL 11)

Almas Baimagambetov edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 12 revisions

In this tutorial we will create a very basic game. I assume that you have completed Get FXGL and have a Java project in your IDE with access to the latest version of FXGL. Please note this tutorial is for FXGL 11+ and Java 11+. If you get lost at any point, there is full source code at the bottom of the page.

Game Requirements

Works with fxgl

First, let's define some requirements for our simple game:

  1. A 600x600 window.
  2. A player on the screen, represented by a blue rectangle.
  3. The player can be moved by pressing W, S, A or D on the keyboard.
  4. UI is represented by a single line of text.
  5. When the player moves, the UI text updates to show how many pixels the player has moved during its lifetime.

At the end of this tutorial you should have something like this (maybe slightly different):

Although it may not look like a game, it will help you understand the basic features of FXGL. After you have finished this tutorial, you can build a variety of simple games.


Now that we have a rough idea of what we are expecting from the game, we can go back to the IDE and create a package for our game.

Note: the directory structure is similar to the Maven directory structure, however, if you don't know what this is, don't worry. We will cover the structure at a later stage. At this point having "src" as the main source directory is sufficient.

I'm going to use "tutorial" as the package name.

  1. Create package "tutorial" in your IDE.
  2. Create a Java class with the name BasicGameApp in that package.

It is common to append "App" to the class where your main() is. This allows other developers to easily identify where the main entry point to your game is. To make your next steps a lot easier I suggest that you open your BasicGameApp class and add these imports:

import com.almasb.fxgl.dsl.FXGL;
import com.almasb.fxgl.entity.Entity;
import com.almasb.fxgl.input.Input;
import com.almasb.fxgl.input.UserAction;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import java.util.Map;

We are now ready to do some coding.

Coding Stage

In order to use FXGL your App class needs to extend GameApplication and override the initSettings() method:

public class BasicGameApp extends GameApplication {

    protected void initSettings(GameSettings settings) {}

Most IDEs will generate the overridden method automatically, as soon as you extend GameApplication. Now we want to be able to start the game. To do that simply add the following:

public static void main(String[] args) {

If you've done any JavaFX programming before, then you'll notice that it is the exact same signature that we use to start a JavaFX application. In a nutshell, FXGL is a JavaFX application with game development features, nothing more.

Requirement 1 (Window)

At this point you should already be able to run your game, but first let's tweak some settings.

protected void initSettings(GameSettings settings) {
    settings.setTitle("Basic Game App");

As you can see, all the settings are changed within initSettings(). Once they are set, the settings cannot be changed during runtime. You can now click "run" in your IDE, which should start the game with a 600x600 window and "Basic Game App" as a title.

We now achieved our requirement 1. Was easy, right?

Requirement 2 (Player)

The next step is to add a player on the screen. We are going to do this in initGame(). In short, this is where you set up all the stuff that needs to be ready before the game starts.

private Entity player;

protected void initGame() {
    player = FXGL.entityBuilder()
            .at(300, 300)
            .view(new Rectangle(25, 25, Color.BLUE))

(Note: it is important for saving/loading systems that we don't initialize instance level fields on declaration but do it in 'initGame()'.)

If you are not familiar with fluent API, then this is a lot to take in one go. So we'll start slowly. There is an instance level field named player of type Entity. An entity is basically a game object. This is everything you need to know about it for now. FXGL.entityBuilder() is a preferred way to build entities. By calling .at() we position the entity where we want. In this case it's x = 300, y = 300.

(Note: a position of an entity in FXGL is its top-left point, like in JavaFX.)

We then tell the builder to create the view of the entity by using the UI node we pass in as the parameter. Here it's a standard JavaFX Rectangle with width = 25, height = 25 and color blue.

(Note: you can use any JavaFX node based object, which is pretty cool 😄)

Finally, we call .buildAndAttach(). By calling build we can obtain the reference to the entity that we were building. As for the "attach" part, it conveniently allows to attach the built entity straight to the game world. If you run the game you should now see a blue rectangle near the center of the screen.

Great, we just hit requirement number 2!

Requirement 3 (Input)

We will now proceed with the requirement related to user input. We put the input handling code in initInput(). The below code shows the "full" API for adding an input action. After considering it, we will see how to use simpler API.

protected void initInput() {
    Input input = FXGL.getInput();

    input.addAction(new UserAction("Move Right") {
        protected void onAction() {
            player.translateX(5); // move right 5 pixels
    }, KeyCode.D);

Let's go through this snippet line by line. We first get the input object. As you've noticed to use most of the FXGL functionality all you need to do is call FXGL.*** and your IDE will show you all the functions you can call. Next, we add an action, followed by a key code. Again, if you've used JavaFX before then you'll know that these are exactly the same key codes used in event handlers. We are saying: when 'D' is pressed, do the action we've created. Now let's look at the action itself. When we create an action, we also give it a name - "Move Right". It is important, as this is fed directly to the controls and menu systems where the user can change them anytime. So the name must be meaningful to the user and also unique. Once we've created the action, we override one of its methods (onAction() this time), and supply some code. That code will be called when the action happens, i.e. when 'D' is pressed. Recall from the requirements that we want to move the player. So when 'D' is pressed we want to move the player to the right. We call player.translateX(5), which translates its X coordinate by 5 pixels.

(Note: translate is a terminology used in computer graphics and means move.)

Now let's shorten it:

protected void initInput() {
    FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.D, () -> {
        player.translateX(5); // move right 5 pixels

This also results in the player entity moving 5 pixels to the right and is (almost) equivalent to the code we wrote earlier. However, I think you'll agree that this API (known as DSL) is much more concise. This can be shortened further if you statically import FXGL.* calls, i.e.:

import static com.almasb.fxgl.dsl.FXGL.*;

However, to avoid introducing too many new concepts, we won't do that just yet. You can probably guess what the rest of the input code will look like, but just in case, here it is in full.

protected void initInput() {
    FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.D, () -> {
        player.translateX(5); // move right 5 pixels

    FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.A, () -> {
        player.translateX(-5); // move left 5 pixels

    FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.W, () -> {
        player.translateY(-5); // move up 5 pixels

    FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.S, () -> {
        player.translateY(5); // move down 5 pixels

Requirement 3 - done and dusted. We are more than halfway through, well done!

Requirement 4 (UI)

We now move on to the next bit - UI, which we handle in, you've guessed it, initUI().

protected void initUI() {
    Text textPixels = new Text();
    textPixels.setTranslateX(50); // x = 50
    textPixels.setTranslateY(100); // y = 100

    FXGL.getGameScene().addUINode(textPixels); // add to the scene graph

For most UI objects we simply use JavaFX objects, since there is no need to re-invent the wheel. You should note that when we added an entity to the world, the game scene picked up the fact that the entity had a view associated with it. Hence, the game scene magically added the entity to the scene graph. With UI objects we are responsible for their additions to the scene graph and we can do so by calling getGameScene().addUINode().

That's it for the requirement 4. Keep it up!

Requirement 5 (Gameplay)

In order to complete the last requirement we are going to use a game variable. In FXGL, a game variable can be accessed and modified from any part of the game. In a sense it's a global variable with the scope being tied to the FXGL game instance. In addition, such variables can be bound to (similar to JavaFX properties). We start by creating such a variable:

protected void initGameVars(Map<String, Object> vars) {
    vars.put("pixelsMoved", 0);

Then we need to update the variable when the player moves. We can do this in the input handling section.

FXGL.onKey(KeyCode.D, () -> {
    player.translateX(5); // move right 5 pixels"pixelsMoved", +5);

I'll let you do the same with the rest of movement actions (left, up and down). The last step (both for the requirement and the tutorial) is to bind our UI text object to the variable pixelsMoved. In initUI() once we've created the textPixels object, we can do the following:


After that the UI text will show how many pixels the player has moved automatically.

You now have a basic FXGL game. Hopefully you've had fun. Here's the full source code of this tutorial with all FXGL.* calls statically imported.

package tutorial;

import com.almasb.fxgl.dsl.FXGL;
import com.almasb.fxgl.entity.Entity;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import java.util.Map;

import static com.almasb.fxgl.dsl.FXGL.*;

public class BasicGameApp extends GameApplication {
    protected void initSettings(GameSettings settings) {
        settings.setTitle("Basic Game App");

    protected void initInput() {
        onKey(KeyCode.D, () -> {
            player.translateX(5); // move right 5 pixels
            inc("pixelsMoved", +5);

        onKey(KeyCode.A, () -> {
            player.translateX(-5); // move left 5 pixels
            inc("pixelsMoved", -5);

        onKey(KeyCode.W, () -> {
            player.translateY(-5); // move up 5 pixels
            inc("pixelsMoved", +5);

        onKey(KeyCode.S, () -> {
            player.translateY(5); // move down 5 pixels
            inc("pixelsMoved", +5);

    protected void initGameVars(Map<String, Object> vars) {
        vars.put("pixelsMoved", 0);

    private Entity player;

    protected void initGame() {
        player = entityBuilder()
                .at(300, 300)
                .view(new Rectangle(25, 25, Color.BLUE))

    protected void initUI() {
        Text textPixels = new Text();
        textPixels.setTranslateX(50); // x = 50
        textPixels.setTranslateY(100); // y = 100


        getGameScene().addUINode(textPixels); // add to the scene graph

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Want some more? Follow Adding Images and Sounds (FXGL 11), a quick tutorial that builds on this one. Enjoy!

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