To create the State Machine, simply create a new State Machine Node.
To make a starting State for the State Machine, select the State Machine and change the Initial State property.
To create a new State, create a script similiar to this...
extends State
class_name STATE_NAME # Your state's name
# Runs when the state is entered
func enter():
# Runs when the state is exited
func exit():
# Updates every _process() update (When state is active)
func update():
# Updates every _physics_process() update (When state is active)
func physics_update():
If you do not specify a class name for your state, you will be unable to create a node of the State.
To add the State to the State Machine, create a new Node of the State you just made, and add it as a child of the State Machine.
To transition to other States on the State Machine, make sure there are more than one State as a child of the State Machine.
To transition to another State, you can use the Transitioned
signal (signal inside State script)...
Transitioned.emit(self, "EnemyIdle")
If you need to check if a state is active while inside of the state, for example, inside the EnemyIdle state you are checking the _on_area_entered():
(you might already be getting an 'Cannot change state from a non-active state') you can use the active
boolean included inside the State class to check if the state is currently active.
# Instead of doing this...
func area_entered(area):
# Code here
# Do this...
func area_entered(area):
if active:
# Code here
This applies to any functions that could run at anytime (such as area_entered
, area_exited
, etc).
If you have any issues, create an Issue or message me on Discord at itsmealec