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brenmoss edited this page Apr 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

Failed RPC Connection


An error message related to daemon RPC with {"type":"offline","message":"connect ECONNREFUSED"}


Review your daemon coin.conf settings for RPC and make sure they match your pool_configs/coin.json settings for RPC

NPM Update Failed


When you run npm update it fails to complete


FOLLOW THE README and install the latest stable version of Node.js and also use Linux to run NOMP

Outdated Redis Version


Payment processor is outputting things like "could not find shares for block/round XXXX"

Missing coin_shares key in redis


FOLLOW THE README and install the latest stable version of Redis

Peercoin - ppcoind parse error for pool start


Pool processor is outputting this on peercoin pool startup "(Thread 1) Could not start pool, error with init batch RPC call: {"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error"}"


Currently no solution as ppcoind appears not to support batch RPC commands, either node-stratum-pool needs to be updated to work around ppcoind or ppcoind gets updated to support batched RPC commands... the later is more appropriate and hopefully the solution.