A BIP47 compatible library written in TypeScript with transpiled JavaScript committed to git.
import ECPairFactory from 'ecpair';
import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1';
import BIP47Factory from '.';
// You must wrap a tiny-secp256k1 compatible implementation
const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc);
const aliceSeedPhrase = 'response seminar brave tip suit recall often sound stick owner lottery motion';
const bobSeedPhrase = 'reward upper indicate eight swift arch injury crystal super wrestle already dentist';
const bobPaymentCode = 'PM8TJS2JxQ5ztXUpBBRnpTbcUXbUHy2T1abfrb3KkAAtMEGNbey4oumH7Hc578WgQJhPjBxteQ5GHHToTYHE3A1w6p7tU6KSoFmWBVbFGjKPisZDbP97';
// alice private bip47
const aliceBip47 = BIP47Factory(ecc).fromBip39Seed(aliceSeedPhrase);
// base58 payment code
const alicePaymentCode = aliceBip47.getSerializedPaymentCode();
// P2PKH notification address
const aliceNotificationAddress = aliceBip47.getNotificationAddress();
// bip47 from payment code
const bobPublicBip47 = BIP47Factory(ecc).fromPaymentCode(bobPaymentCode);
// third payment address from alice to bob
const paymentAddress = aliceBip47.getPaymentAddress(bobPublicBip47.getPaymentCodeNode(), 2);
// bob private bip47
const bobPrivateBip47 = BIP47Factory(ecc).fromBip39Seed(bobSeedPhrase);
// third alice to bob wallet (bip32)
const wallet = bobPrivateBip47.getPaymentWallet(aliceBip47.getPaymentCodeNode(), 2);
// third wallet private key
const privateKey = wallet.privateKey?.toString('hex');
// examples of how to generate blinded payment code
// and retrieving payment code from notification transaction
// can be found in tests
see tests for more examples.
- generate payment code from seed phrase or seed hex
- generate payment addresses
- generate notification address from payment code
- generate receiving addresses/privateKeys for a payment code
- generate blinded payment code for notification transaction
- retrieve payment code from raw notification transaction
We appreciate your donations if you found this repository useful :)
- btc:
- payment code: