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This project provides customizable Kotlin source code editor for Compose Multiplatform (Desktop, Android, iOS, Web).


It uses BasicSourceCodeEditor under the hood.

Customization can be done in the several ways:

  • Additional features
  • Color schemes
  • Visual settings

Additional features

Each of the following features can be opt-out.

  • Indentation
  • Sticky Header
  • Line Numbers
  • Rainbow Brackets
  • Find&Replace
  • Highlighting Diagnostics
  • Diagnostics Popup
  • Diagnostics Tooltip
  • Highlighting Matching Brackets at Current Position
  • Underlining Current Identifier Usages
  • Various typing events helpers (exact key bindings are also customizable):
    • Code indentation with Tab/Shift + Tab
    • Reusing Following Closing Bracket
    • Reusing Closing Char Quote
    • Reusing Closing String Quote
    • Adding Closing Bracket
    • Adding Closing Char Quote
    • Adding Closing Single Line String Quote
    • Adding Closing MultiLine String Quote
    • Indenting Closing Bracket
    • Indenting New Line
    • Removing indent On Backspace
    • Removing Following Closing Bracket
    • Removing Following Closing Char Quote
    • Removing Following Closing String Quote
    • Duplicating strings and lines
    • Wrapping and unwrapping with block comments

To choose the options there is sourceEditorFeaturesConfiguration parameter in the main entry point functions.

Color schemes.

There are 2 predefined themes templates: for dark and light themes.

They are generated with makeLightColorScheme and makeDarkColorScheme functions

However, you can create a new one or customize the existing ones.

To choose the color scheme, you need to specify colorScheme parameter.

Visual settings

Visual settings specify scrollbars visibility, additional paddings, fonts, etc. The default font for source areas is JetBrains Mono.

To choose the custom visual settings, you need to specify visualSettings parameter.


To use the library, you need to use KotlinSourceEditor composable function.

You can see its usage in the sample submodule.

It is approximately the following:

var textFieldValue by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }

val fakeDiagnostics = listOf(
    DiagnosticDescriptor("Meow", DiagnosticSeverity.ERROR, TextInterval(TextPosition(2, 5), TextPosition(3, 7))),
    DiagnosticDescriptor("Gav", DiagnosticSeverity.WARNING, TextInterval(TextPosition(2, 4), TextPosition(3, 6))),
    DiagnosticDescriptor("Moo", DiagnosticSeverity.INFO, TextInterval(TextPosition(2, 3), TextPosition(3, 5))),
    textFieldValue = textFieldValue,
    onTextFieldValueChange = { textFieldValue = it },
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    colorScheme = ...,
    sourceEditorFeaturesConfiguration = KotlinSourceEditorFeaturesConfiguration(),
    snackbarHostState = ...,
    diagnostics = fakeDiagnostics,


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