ResNeSt Detectron2 + ADE20K SoTA + Ablation Study and ImageNet Training
ResNeSt 0.0.3
See details in Detectron2-ResNeSt repo
Object Detection on MS-COCO validation set
Method | Backbone | mAP% |
Faster R-CNN | ResNet-50 | 39.25 |
ResNet-101 | 41.37 | |
ResNeSt-50 (ours) | 42.33 | |
ResNeSt-101 (ours) | 44.72 | |
Cascade R-CNN | ResNet-50 | 42.52 |
ResNet-101 | 44.03 | |
ResNeSt-50 (ours) | 45.41 | |
ResNeSt-101 (ours) | 47.50 | |
ResNeSt-200 (ours) | 49.03 |
Instance Segmentation
Method | Backbone | bbox | mask |
Mask R-CNN | ResNet-50 | 39.97 | 36.05 |
ResNet-101 | 41.78 | 37.51 | |
ResNeSt-50 (ours) | 42.81 | 38.14 | |
ResNeSt-101 (ours) | 45.75 | 40.65 | |
Cascade R-CNN | ResNet-50 | 43.06 | 37.19 |
ResNet-101 | 44.79 | 38.52 | |
ResNeSt-50 (ours) | 46.19 | 39.55 | |
ResNeSt-101 (ours) | 48.30 | 41.56 |
Semantic Segmentation with New SoTA on ADE20K
Semantic Segmentation
- PyTorch models and training: Please visit PyTorch Encoding Toolkit.
- Training with Gluon: Please visit GluonCV Toolkit.
Results on ADE20K
Method | Backbone | pixAcc% | mIoU% |
Deeplab-V3 |
ResNet-50 | 80.39 | 42.1 |
ResNet-101 | 81.11 | 44.14 | |
ResNeSt-50 (ours) | 81.17 | 45.12 | |
ResNeSt-101 (ours) | 82.07 | 46.91 | |
ResNeSt-269 (ours) | 82.62 | 47.60 |
Ablation Study Models
setting | #P | GFLOPs | PyTorch | Gluon | |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 1s1x64d | 26.3M | 4.34 | 80.33 | 80.35 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 2s1x64d | 27.5M | 4.34 | 80.53 | 80.65 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 4s1x64d | 31.9M | 4.35 | 80.76 | 80.90 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 1s2x40d | 25.9M | 4.38 | 80.59 | 80.72 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 2s2x40d | 26.9M | 4.38 | 80.61 | 80.84 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 4s2x40d | 30.4M | 4.41 | 81.14 | 81.17 |
ResNeSt-50-fast | 1s4x24d | 25.7M | 4.42 | 80.99 | 80.97 |
ImageNet Training with MXNet Gluon
Install MXNet with Horovod
# assuming you have CUDA 10.0 on your machine
pip install mxnet-cu100
HOROVOD_GPU_ALLREDUCE=NCCL pip install -v --no-cache-dir horovod
pip install --no-cache mpi4py
Prepare ImageNet recordio data format
Unfortunately ,this is required for training using MXNet Gluon. Please follow the GluonCV tutorial to prepare the data.
Copy the data into ramdisk (optional):
cd ~/ sudo mkdir -p /media/ramdisk sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=200G tmpfs /media/ramdisk cp -r /home/ubuntu/data/ILSVRC2012/ /media/ramdisk
Training command
Using ResNeSt-50 as the target model:
horovodrun -np 64 --hostfile hosts python \
--rec-train /media/ramdisk/ILSVRC2012/train.rec \
--rec-val /media/ramdisk/ILSVRC2012/val.rec \
--model resnest50 --lr 0.05 --num-epochs 270 --batch-size 128 \
--use-rec --dtype float32 --warmup-epochs 5 --last-gamma --no-wd \
--label-smoothing --mixup --save-dir params_ resnest50 \
--log-interval 50 --eval-frequency 5 --auto_aug --input-size 224
Verify pretrained model
python --model resnest50 --crop-size 224 --resume params_ resnest50/imagenet-resnest50-269.params