This Docker image is used to create Archlinux packages through Docker.
It is usefull to buil local packages and also to easily build in CI.
Dockerhub | Github Container Registry | | |
docker run -e EXPORT_PKG=true -e CHECKSUM_SRC=true -e PGPKEY="$PGP_KEY" -v "$(pwd):/pkg"
-v "$(pwd):/pkg" | bind mount a local folder to the container working dir
-e EXPORT_PKG=true/false | Used to export build package to the mounted folder
-e CHECKSUM_SRC=true/false | Used to verify checksum from the downloaded source and not from the PKGBUILD hash
-e PGPKEY="$PGP_KEY" | Used to sign the package with $PGP_KEY, $PGP_KEY should be encoded in base64
| ....PGP_KEY=$(base64 /path/to/key.pgp)
-e CUSTOM_EXEC="{cmds}" | Used to run custom bash commands before the build
| ....CUSTOM_EXEC="ls ./ && rm -f file"