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PECANN: Parallel Efficient Clustering with Approximate Nearest Neighbors

PECANN is an efficient clustering algorithm for large scale, high dimensional density peaks clustering. This library contains PECANN's fast and parallel C++ implementation, as well as easy to use python bindings.

Building PECANN

To build PECANN, you can build either python bindings or our C++ library/executable file. Below are instructions for both:

Python Bindings

python3 -m pip install .

C++ Library, Command Line Executable, and Python .so File

python3 -m pip install nanobind
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Example Usage

Below are simple examples for how to run PECANN from python and from the command line on one of the sample gaussian datasets:


import dpc_ann
cluster_results = dpc_ann.dpc_numpy(
# You could also do e.g. center_finder=dpc_ann.ProductCenterFinder(num_clusters=4)
clusters = clustering_result.clusters # 1 X N numpy array of cluster assignments
metadata = cluster_results.metadata # Dictionary of runtimes for various parts of the clustering process

Below are some additional arguments this function takes, as well as a short description of each argument.

Additional arguments

Argument Description
data A 2d float32 numpy array.
K How many neighbors to use to estimate the density (default is 6).
Lbuild The beam search size to use during the underlying graph index construction (default is 12).
L The beam search size to use while finding the nearest K neighbors for each point (default is 12).
Lnn The initial beam search size to use when finding dependent points (default is 4).
center_finder The center finder to use to prune the DPC tree. Options include ProductCenterFinder or ThresholdCenterFinder, both of which can be directly constructed from the dpc_ann module.
density_computer The density computer to use to compute the density of each point. Options include KthDistanceDensityComputer, ExpSquaredDensityComputer, and the NormalizedDensityComputer (among others), all of which can be constructed directly from the dpc_ann module. Default is KthDistanceDensityComputer.
output_path An optional parameter specifying the path to write the cluster assignment to.
decision_graph_path An optional parameter specifying the path to write the decision graph to.
max_degree The maximum degree of the underlying graph index (default 16).
alpha The alpha to use for the underlying graph index, for indices that require it (default 1.2).
num_clusters The number of times to independently reconstruct the underlying graph index, for indices that require this (default 4).
graph_type Which underlying graph index to use (default "Vamana", choices are "Vamana", "HCNNG", "BruteForce", "pyNNDescent").

Command Line

./build/dpc_framework_exe  --query_file ./data/gaussian_example/ --decision_graph_path ./results/gaussian_4_1000.dg --output_file ./results/gaussian_4_1000.cluster --dist_cutoff 8.36 

The command line takes most of the same options as the python bindings, and they can be seen by running the command line script with no arguments.

Reproducing our Experiments

All of the experiments from our paper can be easily reproduced.

Installing Dependencies

Our experiment's dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. You can install them by running pip3 install -r requirements.txt

As baselines for our experiments, we evaluate the K-means implementation from the excellent FAISS library as well as fast-dp, a prior high dimensional DPC algorithm. FAISS is included as a dependency in requirements.txt. To install fastDP, you need to clone their repo and build it:

git clone
cd fastdp
pip3 install .


Our experiments expect each dataset to be in a folder named data/<dataset_name> (if you wish to use another location for disk space reasons, you can store the datasets there and add a simlink to the data folder). A dataset consists of two files: a <dataset_name>.npy file that is a 2D float32 numpy array, where each line is a point in the dataset, and a <dataset_name>.gt text file, where the ith line is a number representing the ground truth clustering for the ith point in the dataset.

You can also generate them as follows:

  • bin/ downloads s2, s3, and the unbalance datasets from here.
  • bin/ downloads mnist.
  • python3 data_processors/ --dataset_path <path to kaggle imagenet download> creates the ImageNet embedding dataset. link to kaggle
  • python3 data_processors/ --dataset_path <path to kaggle birds download train subset folder> creates the birds embedding dataset. link to kaggle
  • python3 data_processors/ --dataset_name mteb/reddit-clustering --download_dir <path to store downloaded data> --data_dir <path to store embedded data> creates the reddit dataset.
  • python3 data_processors/ mteb/arxiv-clustering-s2s --download_dir <path to store downloaded data> --data_dir <path to store embedded data> creates the arxiv dataset.

Running Experiments

By default, all experiments will run with all threads on your machine except for the thread scaling experiment.

Dataset Size Scaling:

The first command below varies the dataset size and saves the ARI results to a log file in results (cluster_analysis_dataset_size_scaling_{timestamp}), while the second command plots the results from that file and saves a resulting pdf of the graph to results/paper. This is a similar pattern to most of our experiments.

python3 experiments/paper/dataset_size_scaling/
python3 experiments/paper/dataset_size_scaling/ results/cluster_analysis_dataset_size_scaling_{fill_in_run_specific_value}

Pareto Frontiers and Brute Force Table:

The following commands generate the data for Pareto frontiers for each method. Since they include brute force runs of DPC and many hyperparameter settings, they may take a few days or longer to run, depending on how many cores your machine has.

python3 experiments/paper/
python3 experiments/paper/pareto/
python3 experiments/paper/pareto/
python3 experiments/paper/pareto/

The following command plots the pareto fronts:

python3 experiments/paper/pareto/ results

Runtime Decompositions and Accuracy vs Time for Various Density Methods

python3 experiments/paper/varying_k/
python3 experiments/paper/varying_k results

ARI vs. (# Clusters Passed to Method / # Ground Truth Clusters)

python3 experiments/paper/varying_num_clusters/
python3 experiments/paper/varying_num_clusters/ results/cluster_analysis_varying_num_clusters.csv

Thread Scaling

The thread scaling experiment assumes a 30 core, 60 thread machine. If you have a different size machine, you will need to change line 78 of experiments/paper/thread_scaling/ accordingly:

    if len(current_threads) in [1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60]:

Also, if your machine has multiple numa nodes, it is a good idea to change line 78 to be the single numa node thread counts and run it, then change it to be just the multiple numa node thread counts and run it prefixed with numactl -i all, and then combine the resulting result csv files.

The commands:

python3 experiments/paper/thread_scaling/
python3 experiments/paper/thread_scaling/ results --threads


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