Releases: yonahbox/ardupilot
Latest working version of Yonah 3.5.0-rc9 with CANEFI support. UAVCAN baro forcibly disabled.
Copter-3.5.0-Yonah-CANEFI-UAVCANBaroDisabled-OldMessageWorking AP_Baro: NOMERGE - disable UAVCAN baro
[do not use] Older working release of Yonah + Ecotrons OLD Firmware CAN-EFI library
Works with old Ecotrons Status message, and stable yonah backend release ( Based on Copter-3.5-rc9.
Copter 3.5-rc8 for Yonah
This is the initial build for the MK1 - without CANBUS support yet.
The included param file is what was initially loaded onto the current MK1 Pixhawk on 19th June 2017
Upgraded Copter-3.5-rc6 build
This release upgrades all of Yonah's Copter firmware from Copter-3.5-rc5 to -rc6, which comes with bugfixes for Copter: fixes heli passthrough range when disarmed and loads params faster.
Copter-Heli-3.5-rc6-Yonah is the official SITL firmware. Copter-Heli-3.5-rc6-Yonah.px4 is the official Pixhawk2 (Cube) firmware.
This is the firmware running on the Goblin 500T
Crude Mavlink-RPM support
Added support for RPM sensor input over Mavlink - if the Copter receives an RPM message as input, it takes the rpm1 field and sets that as its internal mavlink_rpm value. This value is relayed to GCSs over the RPM message in the rpm2 field (will work to correct this inconsistency).
Next release: Cleanup of the above workflow and add logging