A minimal CLI for generated extended QR codes.
eXtended QR Codes CLI
Usage: xqr <COMMAND>
encode Encode a value into a JWT and optionally into a QR code
decode Decode a JWT from a QR code
generate-key-pair Generate a new ECDSA (ES256) key pair for use with XQR codes
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
Encode a value into a JWT and optionally into a QR code
Usage: xqr encode [OPTIONS] --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --iss <ISS> [VALUE]
[VALUE] The value to encode
--private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
--iss <ISS> The issuer to use
--display Display the QR code in the terminal
--save <SAVE_PATH> Save the QR code to a file
--valid-for <VALID_FOR> How long the XQR is valid for in seconds, if not set the XQR will be valid forever
-h, --help Print help
Decode a JWT from a QR code
Usage: xqr decode [JWT]
[JWT] The JWT to decode
-h, --help Print help
Generate a new ECDSA (ES256) key pair for use with XQR codes
Usage: xqr generate-key-pair --save <SAVE_PATH>
--save <SAVE_PATH> Save the key pair to a file
-h, --help Print help