The image contains all tools needed for the conversion of IFC files
to the xkt
format for the xeokit viewer.
- IfcConvert (IfcOpenShell)
- xeokit-gltf-to-xkt
- xeokit-metadata
Using bimspot/xeokit-converter
as a base image, all converter tools are
available in the PATH
echo "Converting IFC to DAE"
IfcConvert -v -y --use-element-guids scene.ifc scene.dae
echo "Converting DAE to glTF"
COLLADA2GLTF -v -i scene.dae -o scene.gltf
echo "Converting gltf to xkt"
gltf2xkt -s scene.gltf -o scene.xkt
echo "Creating metadata json"
xeokit-metadata scene.ifc scene.json
The IfcConvert
library is available through bimspot/ifcopenshell
The xeokit-converter image is based on the bionic dotnet runtime.