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My NixOS

I love NixOS! It has helped me further my development more than any other tool I have used. I hope that my config is helpful for you. If you have questions, please create an issue or privately message me by emailing [email protected] <3.

You might also enjoy my Neovim Config.

Project Layout

flowchart LR
  subgraph "dots"
      subgraph "hosts"
          desc["Contains configurations\n for different machines \n"]
      subgraph "modules/home-manager"
          desc2["Home-manager configurations\nfor different environments"]
      subgraph "pkgs"
          desc3["My custom packages"]


I don’t think you should try and directly use my dotfiles; it probably would not work. You should intead check out my packages and other bits of config.

Things you should check out

My Packages

Check out ./pkgs !

Things I am working on


I want to configure secrets the “right way”. I mainl


I have some things in my house that I want control with my computer.

  • Computer lights are semi-controllable through `open-rgb -p`, but I need to set up more profiles.
  • Govee light is controlled via an API. I think I just have to build a simple script to do so.
  • Apple Home / TP-Link Switches.. I have no idea how to connect to these yet, but I do know it is annoying to open my phone to turn on my lights… I probably need to buy a homepod mini to also make them “always connected” bc my phone takes like 10-20 seconds to connect to them when I get home, which is really annoying bc it also sometimes does not connect.

Waybar replacement

I am not 100% happy with Waybar. It is a great tool for getting started, but I want complete control. Also, the blur is controled through hacks. Vimjoyer made a video on AGS:

I think this is a good idea to learn because it seems extremely extensible to make future applications.

This should also mean I get keyboad access!

Firefox Sync

  • [ ] I need to just make my firefox configured more through Nix. A lot of my plugins and settings are not 100% synced properly.
  • [ ] I also need to find a RSS reader that can read/sync with a file system. I am currently using FeedBro, but it does not sync between my desktop and laptop.

Automated Testing

You will notice that a lot of my commits are update, then fixing the update. This is because I update depencies from my desktop or laptop, and then update from the other. This often leads to build time errors that only occurs on the other system due to new options/drivers/etc.

There is a person who has a twitter thread (I can’t remember who >:[) who explain how they set up automated Github CI to test their config.

This would be amazing and I want to set this up, too.

I also want it to be where it will also boot up the desktop and take a screenshot of it open and maybe even do some actions.


  • [ ] Global mute - this will require building a virtual HID device that is recognized by Zoom. Then, when you mute this virtual device, the state is reflected in Zoom as well. This opens up many possibilities, the most obvious being a notification tray icon you can use to easily see muted state
  • [ ] Backgrounds repo/drive sync: I need to sync my backgrounds with proton drive.
  • [ ] Email notifications - web browser email notifications are acceptable, but they do not have a “delete” nor a “mark as read action”, which would really help me to get to inbox 0.
  • [ ] PETS - I really want to modify Spamton-Linux-Shimejii repo to have multiple different types of Shimejii. Right now, there is just this really ugly one. I also want to fix the divide by zero errors that keep making it crash.
  • [ ] Email - just set up himalaya email client in vim.
  • [ ] Reminders - I want my gcal to appear in my system and I want to be able to easily manage past and future reminders, a calendar. So I just have to set up a good and pretty system calendar
  • [ ] Pomodoro - Set up system pomodoro
  • [ ] Screensharing - I would prefer somebindings and a bit more chrome/indicators in my bar to show that I am sharing screen. I dislike that I could be screensharing and not really be aware that I am.
  • [ ] Do Not Disturb - I would like to trigger DND when I am scrensharing. I really dislike that notifications come through on screenshare. Maybe I can still allow notifications, but hide them from screenshare entirely??? That would be really cool.
  • [ ] use nix-colors repo for theming everything This is interesting:

Other Nix Configs

I used these configs to help build mine:


my dotfiles for NixOS!







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