Common Federation AM API
This is the github repository used for collaborating on the Common Federation AM API.
The idea:
- Changes to federation-am-api.adoc are automatically applied to the document at the official site: TODO add link
- Github is used for discussing (create issue) and proposing changes (pull requests)
- Once there is consensus on an issue, the attached pull request(s) gets merged with the master
So the typical work flow is:
- Locally checkout the repository from github
- Make a branch
- Make your proposed changes
- Push the branch to github
- Create a "pull request" (= an issue with an attached branch to merge) on github, explaining what the change is, and why it is needed
- Discussion follows, in the created issue (mails are sent from updates)
- At one point, there is consensus
- The branch gets merged into the master
- The document at the official site automatically gets updated
A temporary version of the processed document is at: