SysId has moved into the allwpilib monorepo.
This is the C++ version of frc-characterization. It uses the wpimath backend for generating feedforward and feedback gains.
This is a list of the vendors that are currently supported by SysId for 2023:
- CTRE: TalonSRX, TalonFX, VictorSPX, CANCoder, and Pigeon IMU
- NavX Gyro (No integration tests)
- Playing With Fusion Venom
- REV: SparkMax Motor Controller
- ADIS16448 IMU
- ADIS16470 IMU
- ADXRS450 Gyro
- Analog Gyro
- Encoders plugged into the roboRIO
- PWM Motor Controllers
The SysId GitHub repository uses GitHub Actions to build and test each commit.
- Click here.
- Select the run of your choosing (the top most run is the latest).
- Scroll down to the artifacts section, and select the appropriate build for your operating system.
- Click here.
- Select the run of your choosing (the top most run is the latest).
- Scroll down to artifacts section, and select the appropriate build for your operating system.
- Extract the files from the downloaded zip file.
- Extract the files from the zip file located in the root of the extracted folder.
- Open the folder named after your operating system (ex: Linux, Windows, macOS).
- Open the folder named for your architecture.
- Run the executable named
Clone the SysId Github repository to get all the necessary code.
Go to the directory that the repository is cloned in and run ./gradlew run
to start the executable.
- Add sysid vendordep to your robot code and call the logging function.
- Deploy your robot code.
- Connect the logger to your robot and perform the required tests.
SysId uses Gradle to build. To build debug and release versions of the main executable and run tests, run ./gradlew build
. During development, you can use ./gradlew run
to build and run the debug executable.
- JDK 11
- Note that the JRE is insufficient; the full JDK is required
- On Ubuntu, run
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
- On Windows, install the JDK 11 .msi from the link above
- On macOS, install the JDK 11 .pkg from the link above
- C++ compiler
- On Linux, install GCC 11 or greater
- On Windows, install Visual Studio Community 2022 and select the C++ programming language during installation (Gradle can't use the build tools for Visual Studio)
- On macOS, install the Xcode command-line build tools via
xcode-select --install
. Xcode 13 or later is required.
- roboRIO C++ compiler
- Run the latest WPILib installer from here
There is a python script in the scripts
directory that will plot sysid data with respect to time. This is mainly intended for developers in the case that a dataset breaks sysid.
In order to run it, pandas and matplotlib must be installed via pip.
Then run python3 scripts/ "file path"
to get the time plots for your desired datasets.
Matplotlib windows will appear containing the different plots.