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Angular Currency Mask

Currency input handler for AngularJS (1.X)


Reference script

Find both compiled and minified versions inside dist folder.

<script src="ng-currency-mask.min.js"></script>

Inject vtex.ngCurrencyMask

angular.module 'yourApp', ['vtex.ngCurrencyMask']

Bind directive currency-mask

<input type="text" name="discount" placeholder="0.00"
       ng-model="model.value" currency-mask />

Obs: ngModel is required!

How it works


  • Expects it to be an int, in cents. e.g.: 100 ($ 1), 420 ($ 4,20)
  • Always receive parsed value from view input. e.g.: '1,250.50' -> 125050

Obs: Will parse both '1.250,50' and '1,250.50' inputs correctly (i18n differences).


  • Displays formatted model value (as string)
  • Uses $filter('currency'), which uses $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS configuration (separators, fraction size, etc).

Obs: Currency symbol is always hidden. Pro tip: For now, if you want to, prepend or append symbol <span> to <input>.

Development - Contribute!

Inside src you can find this module source code, written in CoffeeScript. Tests can be found in spec folder.

To build the .js and uglify it, install npm dev-dependencies and run grunt:

(sudo) npm i