This is a simple JSON reader library that can read a JSON file and provide a way to access the data.
Key features:
- Tokenizer for JSON files
- Parser for JSON files
- Interface to access the data
- JSON writer (through the JSON object's
Benchmarked against nlohmann's JSON-reader. It is about 2x slower and less feature-rich, so this is simply a proof of concept / toy project.
using namespace JsonDerulo;
std::ifstream ifs("simple.json");
JSON js = read_json(ifs).value();
Value nested = js["nested"];
std::shared_ptr<Object> nested_obj = nested.cast<Object>();
std::shared_ptr<Object> nested2 = js.root.get<Object>("nested"); // same as above
std::shared_ptr<Object> nested3 = js.root.try_get<Object>("nested"); // same as above, but returns nullptr if the key is not found
js.root.insert("new_key", Value("new_value")); // insert a new key-value pair
Object obj;
obj.insert("key", Value("value"));
obj.insert("key2", 2); // don't need to wrap primitive types in a Value object
js.root.insert("new_obj", obj); // insert a new key-value pair with an object as the value
Value &val = js.root["new_obj"]["key2"]; // access a value by chaining the keys
- templates
- template specialization
- operator overloading (
) - namespaces