This is a starter project for the Studio plugin for Craft CMS.
The Studio plugin helps you to manage podcasts, episodes and more!
After setup is finished, you have a starter project with Craft CMS and studio plugin and all required fields to test how Studio plugin works.
For setup, you can run something like
Craft 4:
cd /var/www/html
php composer.phar create-project vnali/craft-studio-starter:4.x-dev your-project-folder
In this case DocumentRoot of your project is /var/www/html/your-project-folder/web
Now Craft CMS and Studio plugin is installed and all fields are created and you can create a podcast and an episode and fill the fields and check the podcast RSS page for the output.
Make sure you go to admin/settings/email
and set System Email Address and Sender Name again.
Please visit Documentation page.
This is a commercial plugin available on Craft CMS plugin store.
The plugin can be installed via Plugin Store in the Craft Control Panel.
More about Craft CMS Starter project.