Easy initialize backend server with apollo-server-koa, graphql, koa
- Linux/macOS
- git
- node >= 10.15.0
- yarn >= 1.9.4
- graphql
- type-graphql
- apollo-server-koa
- dataloader
- koa
- koa-router
- koa-bodyparser
- pg (postgress)
- typedi
- typeorm
- typeorm-typedi-extensions
- jsonwebtoken
- aws-sdk
- jest
- bcrypt
- husky
- lint-staged
- dotenv
- ip
- yargs
- lodash
- moment
- lodash
- nodemon
- prettier
After cloning, replace .env.example
to .env
and configure environment.
yarn start
Head to localhost:8081/graphql to see the graphql playground.
# run app in watch mode
yarn start:watch
# run app in debug mode that open logs from apollo response and typeorm
yarn start:debug
# run production app(./build/app.js)
yarn start:prod
# run unit tests also with tslint
yarn test
# run unit tests in watch mode
yarn test:watch
Suppose to use PM2 to manage your server process.
yarn global add pm2@latest -g
First, configure the ecosystem.config.js
file, then build ans run server.
yarn build
#run with pm2 and start only your app
pm2 start --only app(or your can change app name)
├── src/
│ ├── entities/
│ ├── server/
│ │ ├── ApolloServerKoa.ts
│ │ └── KoaServer.ts
│ ├── resolvers/
│ ├── service/
│ │ ├── logger/
│ │ │ ├── senders/
│ │ │ └── Logger.ts
│ │ ├── storage/
│ │ ├── DB.ts
│ │ │ └── Pgsql.ts
│ │ ├── JwtService.ts
| | └── S3Service.ts
│ ├── tests/
│ ├── typings/
│ ├── environment.ts
│ ├── di.ts
| └── app.ts
: Typeorm entities which also connect graphql types or cross-container reusable class-types.src/resolvers
: Type-graphql resolvers which implements almost api logic here.src/server
: Server folder which includes http-server and apollo-server.src/service
: Services which are connect to the outside world and perform most of the side-effects tasks. e.g. API client, third party integrations.src/environment.ts
: Runtime environmentsrc/di.ts
: Dependency injection initialize.