Package manager for VirtLab courses. This web app is able to create .deb metapackages or documentation packages.
Only debian or ubuntu server are supported. Although you can successfully install it on other linux distros as long as you install dpkg and the debhelper utilities. This is because by default it use active_debian_repository gem. You can easily port that gem to rpm or other formats and then use cpkg with it.
- Rails 5
- Ruby 2.3+
- debhelper
- reprepro
- Italian
- English
Clone the repository and
$ cd cpkg-on-rails
$ bundle
$ cp doc/dm_unibo_common.yml config/dm_unibo_common.yaml
$ cp doc/cpkg_example.rb config/initializers/cpkg.rb
Then edit config/dm_unibo_common.yaml
and config/initializers/cpkg.rb
to configure your installation.
In config/database.yml
configure database and username and set the database password
in your environment as CPKG_DATABASE_PASSWORD.
Generate a new secret_key_base with rake secret
and put it in your environment as
Then set the cpkg directory in CPKG_BASEDIR.
For example your $HOME/.bashrc
should have something like:
export CPKG_SECRET_KEY_BASE=28ee1481f4376882211efcac2abb2473cc6af6baf86b54ca54605b99bf0109250c7d6c771b9ee1fdfc9aa6442342ab6ab1343dd845a2a5bc8287ec40e5186e36
export CPKG_DATABASE_PASSWORD=veryveryverysecret
export CPKG_BASEDIR=/home/rails/cpkg-on-rails
$ rake db:schema:load
to load che db schema (default with sqlite3 but you can change db
settings in config/database.yml
To authenticate users the defaut is google_oauth2 omniauth
(can change with shibboleth or other omniauth strategies, see
in config/dm_unibo_common.yaml
To create the first administrator use the cpkg:users:create_admin_user
$ rake cpkg:users:create_admin_user
At this point you can start the rails server and login with your google creadentials as administrator.
Create new keys to sign packages: RSA and RSA (default) with 4096 bits. For example: Real name: Virtlab Unibo Cpkg, Email address: @, Comment: Package manager for VirtLab courses
$ gpg --full-gen-key
and get the sign with
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
Copy the gpg key-id
as config.gpg_key = "09A0DEDE" in config/initializers/cpkg.rb
To export the key
$ gpg --output public.key --armor --export
and to import the key in virtual machine
$ cat public.key | apt-key add -
Enter as admin and
- Insert at least one repository to fetch .deb packages. Remember to update it after you have inserted.
- Create at least a Degree (A degree is a set of Courses)
- Create at least a Course (A course is a set of Packages)
Now you can start creating packages, uploading to a local debian repository or download them directly from cpkg.