This repo is designed to demo an end-to-end flow of cloud-native release cycle development using Red Hat Openshift, K8S-native CI as Red Hat Pipeline (Tekton), K8S-native CD as Argo and other Red Hat tools such as buildah, skopeo, etc.
- Environment preparation
- Clone this repo for ArgoCD deployment and its application:
- Clone this repo for creation of Tekton objects such as pipeline, tasks, etc.:
- Creating a namespace for CI/CD
cd ~/RH-Helloworld-ops
oc apply -k config/cicd_env
- Running ArgoCD
cd ~/RH-Helloworld-ops
oc apply -k argo/operator_and_subscription
- Wait for ArgoCD operator to be subscribed and available
oc get pods -n argocd
argocd-operator-6d5d7bf9c5-kppd6 1/1 Running 0 4d18h
- Create an ArgoCD instance and assign the cluster-admin role to its serviceaccount
oc apply -k argo/infrastructure
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -n argocd -z argocd-application-controller
- Check the ArgoCD up and running
oc get pods -n argocd
argocd-application-controller 1/1 Running 0 1m
argocd-dex-server 1/1 Running 0 1m
argocd-redis 1/1 Running 0 1m
argocd-repo-server 1/1 Running 0 1m
argocd-server 1/1 Running 0 1m
- Create an CICD environment
cd ~/RH-Helloworld-ops
oc apply -k config/cicd_env
- Deploy Argo applications that are test enviroment and production environment
cd ~/RH-Helloworld-ops
oc apply -f deployments/build_and_test/argo-application.yaml
oc apply -f deployments/rh-helloworld-prod/argo-application.yaml
- Running Tekton
- Access to OperatorHub on Openshift, search for Tekton and install Red Hat Pipeline.
- Provide pipeline ServiceAccount the admin role in the rh-helloworld-ci namespace:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -n rh-helloworld-ci -z pipeline
- Change the password of ArgoCD
cd ~/RH-CICD-Workshop/secrets
sed -i -e "s/ARGOCD_PASSWORD:.*/ARGOCD_PASSWORD: $(oc get secret argocd-cluster -n argocd -o jsonpath='{.data.*}')/" argocd-secret.yaml
- Creating Pipeline objects:
cd ~/RH-CICD-Workshop
oc apply -k secrets -n rh-helloworld-ci
oc apply -k . -n rh-helloworld-ci
- Running an end-to-end "build, test" on a CICD environment and then "deploy" on a production environment
cd ~/RH-CICD-Workshop
oc apply -f pipelines-run/build-helloworld.yaml -n rh-helloworld-ci
- Check the ArgoCD GUI
- Go to the Routes under "argocd" namespace and access to the route of argocd.
- Check the application running
- Go to the Routes under "rh-helloworld-dev-env" namespace for testing app running in Dev environment
- Go to the Routes under "rh-helloworld-prod-env" namespace for testing app running in Prod environment
- In each route above, the correct API is: /api/hello => Result: HelloWorld from RedHat (1)