This is a Node Js API that centers some home appliance services initially made to able Voice Control of a Xiaomi Vaccum Cleaner. In my home, I've got new devices and the system starts to growing up. If you want to contribute, be free!!
- /api/v1/
- light/ - If name is passed filter light, if not, all lights are used
- GET:status/:name*?: - Get Lights Status
- POST:on/:name*?: - Turn on Light
- POST:off/:name*?: - Turn off Light
- POST:toggle/:name*?: - Toogle Light Power
- POST:color/:name*?: - Body: {color: string, duration: int} - Change Light color with duration animation
- POST:brightness/:name*?: - Body: {value: int[0-100], duration: int} - Change Light color with duration animation
- POST:temperature/:name*?: - Body: {value: int[2700-6500], duration: int} - Change Light color with duration animation
- vaccum/
- GET:status: - Get Vaccum Status
- GET:zone: - Retrurn the list of zones
- POST:start - Start cleaning
- POST:stop - Stop the vaccum, even if it is going to dock
- POST:spot - Start spot clean
- POST:find - Make Vaccum play a sound
- POST:zone - Body: {[speed: int,] zone: string, repeats: int} - Start Cleaning one or more Zones, zone names splited by ' '
- POST:speed - Body: {speed: int} - Start Cleaning one or more Zones, zone names splited by ' '
- POST:dock - Send the vaccum to dock
- motion/
- POST:detect -{motion_area: {x: int, y: int, width: int, heigth: int}} - Send Motion Detect Notification
- POST:movie - {file: string, action: string(start|end)[, motion_area: {x: int, y: int, width: int, heigth: int}]} When Start: Send Motion Detect Notification When Ends: Send Video Access Link Notification
- light/ - If name is passed filter light, if not, all lights are used
- Control Xiaomi Vaccum by Google Assitant
- "Send vaccum to dock"
- "Change vaccum's Power to ${speed}"
- "Clean the ${room_name}"
- Embeded Web Interface
- Control Xiaomi Vaccum
- Control Xiaomi Yeelight Ligths
- Stream WebCam Video via WebInterface
- Send Web/Mobile Notifications to Device
- When WebCam Detects Motion - Text With Warning
- When salves Detected Motion video - Text with button to access the via via WebInterface
- Miio - Xiaomi Device Comunication -
- Motion - Stream WebCam -
- OneSignal - Send Notifications -
- IFFT - Google Assistant Integration -
- Motion - etc/motion/config.d - exemple
References that help me to learn to this project