Mikrokey Primo tape image converters (between ptp and pri, and a checksummer)
To learn about the Mikrokey Primo computer check the http://primo.homeserver.hu/ page.
- with FreePascal https://www.freepascal.org/
Converts Pri files (.PRG) to .PTP files.
pri2ptp inputfile outputfile [-n]
inputfile: PRI (.PRG) file
outputfile: PTP file (existing or new Primo Tape file)
-n: if this switch is there, you will be asked for the filename
which will be stored into the .ptp file, else the default name
will be stored: "pri2ptp conv."
A PTP file can include more than one tape image, so you can use existing tape file name, and the converted file going to the end of the file.
You can use the -n parameter, because in the PTP file the Primo filename is stored. I you dont give it, the pconverter will add automaticaly the string "pri2ptp conv." and with this, we can mark these files were converted.
(It generates RAW CRC, which is a check sum of all DATA bytes. Headings, and synchronization are not included in this checksum. If there is two version of a program and they have different size and they are not binary equal, these differences can come from the different block sizes. If the RAW CRC is equal, the programs are equal.)
Converts PTP file to .Pri (.PRG) files.
ptp2pri inputfile
inputfile: PTP file
Because the PTP file includes the filename, the output file names will be derived from the filename stored in PTP file. The the file name is invalid under DOS or exists, the program will ask for the filename.
(It generates RAW CRC, which is a check sum of all DATA bytes. Headings, and synchronization are not included in this checksum. If there is two version of a program and they have different size and they are not binary equal, these differences can come from the different block sizes. If the RAW CRC is equal, the programs are equal.)
Checks a file for blocks, internal CRC, and RAW CRC.
Use: crcprimo -s|-l inputfile [inputfile] [inputfile...]
inputfiles are PRI (.PRG) or PTP file
-s: short info (name, raw CRC, start address
-l: long info with block information
This program cheks files, for internal CRC (only in PTP file, Pri file doesnot have), for block structure, and generates RAW CRC.
RAW CRC is a check sum of all DATA bytes. Headings, and synchronization are not included in this checksum. If there is two version of a program and they have different size and they are not binary equal, these differences can come from the different block sizes. If the RAW CRC is equal, the programs are equal.
Converts WAV file (8 bit mono SR=22050Hz) to PTP emulator file.
Use: wav2ptp inputfile outputfile inputfile: WAV file (8 bit mono SR=22050Hz) outputfile: PTP file (existing or new Primo Tape igamge file)
Example: wav2ptp primo1.wav out.ptp
Converts PTP file (Primo emulator tape image) to WAV file
Use: ptp2wav inputfile outputfile
inputfile: PTP file
outputfile: WAV file to output
PTP2WAV and WAV2PTP are made by Laszlo Jozsef others based on code of Laszlo Jozsef
The DOS version were not bugfixed, they are here as archival reason. Use the win32 instead.