Package hyper implements an ease-of-use HTTP web framework for the Go programming language. Featuring GraphQL (w/ Subscription), DataLoader and Swagger integration.
Project Website:
API documentation:
API examples:
go get
- Built-in support for HTTP/2 protocol
- Built-in support for Opentracing
- Build GraphQL APIs
- Support for GraphQL subscription via websocket
- Implement custom object, argument, enum, scalar and union types
- API to access the Dataloader interface
- Support for websocket
- Authorization via middleware functions
- Scales horizontally with PubSub channels
- Build RESTful with swagger integration
- Built-in request validation (Query, Body and Header)
- Support for namespaces
- Customizable middleware and HTTP error handling
- Define and use custom logger
- Identity and access management
- Configurable CORS
- Automatic crash prevention
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs
- Fix bugs and submit pull requests
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features
Copyright (c) Vaniila, Inc. and its affiliates. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.