A simple script that extracts a list of Jiras from its input file and looks up the Jira issue summary for each Jira key it finds.
To use this script, you'll need to install the following gems:
- json
- curb
- yaml
The first time you run the script, a CONFIG file (.findjiras.yaml) will be created for you in your home directory. Edit that file, then add your Jira username and password, the URL of your Jira installation, and a piped list of Jira project IDs you want to include in your search. For example:
:username: myusername
:password: mypassword
:jira_url: https://myproject.atlassian.net
This script was built as a way to grab Jiras that are referenced in git logs and format them into a list with the actual Jira summary and key. For example:
git log deploy/20121025 ^deploy/20121024 --pretty=oneline | ~/code/ruby-findjiras/findjira.rb