#MapView ######A map viewer and editor for ROS
View, open, and save ROS maps (OccupancyGrid)
Add nodes and edges to maps
Automatically generate PRMs on top of a map
Create and publish 2D pose estimates and 2D nav goals
Display robot pose and orientation in real-time (from amcl_pose)
Integrated with node_traveller to display live route info and status when performing a tour of a map
Use the following command to run the program:
rosrun map_view gui.py
For ROS Groovy, the default Navigation stack should be replaced by the catkinized version. Otherwise MapView will not be able to access move_base and the program will not run.
The HELP file contains instructions for using the map editing tools, as well as a list of useful hotkeys
====== Questions? jberthiaume4(at)gmail.com