A small interactive solver for an encrypted twotimepad. This tool is written in PHP.
This tool was originally created during one of my college projects, but was rewritten afterwards.
Just start the programm via PHP. I know it works with PHP8.2, but probably also in 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1.
php decrypt.php ../examples/msg*.asc
php decrypt.php ./examples/msg1.asc ./examples/msg2.asc
This should be pretty self-explanatory. If not, feel free to message me :)
/search [needleString] Search for string in combined encrypted message. (fe. "/search hello")
/index [msg1|msg2] [index] Set index from last '/search' result as to msg1 or msg2
/lookup [index] Lookup ASCII possibilities at index
/set [msg1|msg2] [index] [string] Set a string at a specific position
/unset [index] [length] Unset character/string at a position with the given length
/print [?key] Print messages (use "key" for printing also the key)
/ascii Print ASCII XOR Table (careful, big output)
/clear Clear the screen
/help Print this message
/end Finish and end program
This tool has some minor bugs, but afaik only visibility bugs. So, yeah, i'm not gonna fix those.