This folder is a placeholder for long term strategic planning of several stages in research applications, with a common denominator Computing Across Disciplines (CAD). What follows is a tentative sketch of four possible stages
- Develop a letter of intent which can be used to leverage support at the Colleges of Natural Science at UiO and MSU. This document should be used to solicit support from funding agencies or within own universities. The aim should be something like 10 PhD and 10 PD fellowships
- Identify researchers from the Humanities and Social Sciences that could participate in defining both research programs and educational programs
- Start lobbying based on the LoI
- Prepare a first pilot application to national funding agencies
- Plan an MC network for the 2019 call. Deadline for first draft May 2018. Figure out partners by summer 2018.
- CAD as an center of excellence proposal in 2022. Start preparing in 2019 after MC application
- Identify opportunities in the US