This is a poll bot to ask the office peers who cooks and who wants to eat lunch. Super precise, but maybe you can adapt it to your needs. Also… it talks German :)
chmod +x
On Telegram:
- talk to @BotFather and create a new bot
- copy token and add to .dotenv (requires python3-dotenv package) → or actually add that to Github secrets (settings → secrets and variables → actions → Repository secrets) - this is what we work with (we need TOKEN and CHAT_ID)
- test if token works: (replace TOKEN) by actual token
- add bot to relevant group chat
- talk to @RawDataBot and find out the chat id of the group
This script needs to be launched every Friday the week before. This can be done by a cronjob or by a Github workflow (see .github/workflows for code). We are currently using the Github workflow.
The closing_date will always be automatically 8 days from the creation of the poll.
python -m pip check