This repo shows an example of Azure Managed Application that gets a secret from publisher's Azure Key Vault and stores it in a Key Vault within the Managed Resource Group.
Create Azure Key Vault in publisher's subscription and add a secret
az keyvault create --resource-group avama --name avamakv --location eastus --enabled-for-template-deployment true
az keyvault secret set --vault-name avamakv --name "publisherSecret" --value "***this is publisherSecret value***"
Error when Appliance Resource Provider is not granted proper role to the Key Vault
"error": {
"code": "KeyVaultParameterReferenceAuthorizationFailed",
"message": "The client 'efa7e07b-0100-499d-b1fb-ae609506004b' with object id 'efa7e07b-0100-499d-b1fb-ae609506004b' does not have permission to perform action 'MICROSOFT.KEYVAULT/VAULTS/DEPLOY/ACTION' on the specified KeyVault resource '/subscriptions/06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a/resourceGroups/avama/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/avamakv'. Please see for usage details."
Grant custom role to "Appliance Resource Provider" for the Key Vault
# Create custom role definition
az role definition create --role-definition keyvault-customrole.json
# Get objectId of the Appliance Resource Provider service principal
az ad sp list --display-name "Appliance Resource Provider" -o tsv --query "[].objectId"
# Assign the role to Appliance Resource Provider
az role assignment create --role "Key Vault resource manager template deployment operator" --scope "/subscriptions/06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a/resourceGroups/avama/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/avamakv" --assignee-object-id "efa7e07b-0100-499d-b1fb-ae609506004b" --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal
Modify the following section of the mainTemplate.json to reference publisher's Azure Key Vault by setting proper value for the subscriptionId (e.g. 06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a), resourceGroup (e.g. avama), Azure Key Vault Name (e.g. avamakv), and secret name in that Key Vault (e.g. publisherSecret)
"publisherSecret": {
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"id": "[resourceId('06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a','avama','Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults','avamakv')]"
"secretName": "publisherSecret"
Important: When building your Azure Application ARM templates for submission to Azure Marketplace, please make sure to carefully follow all of the guidelines and practices described here and be ready to make fixes and changes based on manual review feedback.
Test the application using tool
Zip and AzCopy to storage
tar -a -c -f createUiDefinition.json mainTemplate.json viewDefinition.json
azcopy copy ./ ""
Create managed application definition
az group create --name avama --location eastus
az managedapp definition create --name "ama-definition" --location eastus --resource-group avama --lock-level ReadOnly --display-name "Hello World App Definition" --description "Azure Managed App Hello World Example" --authorizations "YOUR_AAD_GROUP_PRINCIPAL_ID:b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c" --package-file-uri ""
First, try deploying using the created Service Catalog definition and it should work successfully.
Next, try something that shouldn't work. For example, deployment using Service Catalog definition created in tenant 72f988bf and pointing to Key Vault in tenant dd74924a
As expected, deployment fails with error message "KeyVaultParameterReferenceNotInTheSameTenant"
"code": "DeploymentFailed",
"message": "At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.",
"details": [
"code": "KeyVaultParameterReferenceNotInTheSameTenant",
"message": "The specified KeyVault '/subscriptions/06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a/resourceGroups/avama/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/avamakv' is not in current tenant '72f988bf' for subscription '06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a'. Please see for usage details."
Secret access using user assigned managed identity from Azure Container Instance
az container create --resource-group mrg-avkeyvault --name aci2 --image "" --assign-identity "/subscriptions/06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a/resourcegroups/mrg-avkeyvault/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/avkeyvault-identity" --command-line "/bin/bash -c 'sleep 100000'"
az login --identity --username "/subscriptions/06b230b6-ec16-422c-a319-487cbe82501a/resourcegroups/mrg-avkeyvault/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/avkeyvault-identity" --allow-no-subscriptions
az keyvault secret list --vault-name avkeyvaultqgsyf4zscfjog
az keyvault secret show --vault-name avkeyvaultqgsyf4zscfjog --name publisherSecret