This is a collection of Homebrew formulas that makes it easier get gnuradio-companion or GNURadio with GUI from source running on OS X.
These steps have been tested on macOS Sierra (10.12).
This formula is depend on tap cartr/qt4 and should be taped before installation.
$ brew tap cartr/qt4
$ brew tap ttrftech/gnuradio
$ brew install ttrftech/gnuradio/gnuradio --with-qt
$ brew install librtlsdr (optional)
$ brew install libbladerf (optional)
$ brew install SoapySDR (optional)
$ brew install airspy (optional)
$ brew install hackrf (optional)
$ brew install ttrftech/gnuradio/gr-osmosdr
$ brew install ttrftech/gnuradio/gr-osmosdr --with-iio
$ brew install ttrftech/gnuradio/gr-iqbal
GNURadio formula is based on rixon's one[1], which is derived from Homebrew's formula[2], and merging in some customizations from other formulas, like from Titanous[3] and Metacollin[4].