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Tonder SDK

Tonder SDK helps to integrate the services Tonder offers in your own mobile app

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Configuration Options
  4. Mobile Settings
  5. Payment Data Structure
  6. Field Validation Functions
  7. API Reference
  8. Examples
  9. Deprecated Fields
  10. Deprecated Functions
  11. License


You can install using NPM

npm i

Add dependencies to the root of the app (index.html)

<script src=></script>
<script src=></script>


LiteCheckout allows you to build a custom checkout interface using Tonder's core functionality

Import LiteCheckout class

import { LiteCheckout } from ""

Create instance

const liteCheckout = new LiteCheckout({ 

// The configureCheckout function allows you to set initial information,
// such as the customer's email, which is used to retrieve a list of saved cards, save new card, etc.
inlineCheckout.configureCheckout({ customer: { email: "[email protected]" } });

// Initialize the checkout
await liteCheckout.injectCheckout();

// To verify a 3ds transaction you can use the following method
// It should be called after the injectCheckout method
// The response status will be one of the following
// ['Declined', 'Cancelled', 'Failed', 'Success', 'Pending', 'Authorized']

inlineCheckout.verify3dsTransaction().then(response => {
    console.log('Verify 3ds response', response)
// Retrieve customer's saved cards
const cards = await liteCheckout.getCustomerCards();
// Save a new card
const newCard = await liteCheckout.saveCustomerCard(cardData);
// Remove a saved card
await liteCheckout.removeCustomerCard(cardId);
// Get available payment methods
const paymentMethods = await liteCheckout.getCustomerPaymentMethods();
// Process a payment
const paymentResponse = await liteCheckout.payment(paymentData);

Configuration Options

Property Type Description
mode string Environment mode. Options: 'stage', 'production', 'sandbox', 'development'. Default: 'stage'
apiKey string Your API key from the Tonder Dashboard
returnrl string URL where the checkout form is mounted (used for 3DS)
callBack function Callback function to be invoked after the payment process ends successfully.

Mobile settings

If you are deploying to Android, edit your AndroidManifest.xml file to add the Internet permission.

<!-- Required to fetch data from the internet. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Likewise, if you are deploying to macOS, edit your macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements and macos/Runner/Release.entitlements files to include the network client entitlement.

<!-- Required to fetch data from the internet. -->

Payment Data Structure

When calling the payment method, use the following data structure:

Field Descriptions

  • customer: Object containing the customer's personal information to be registered in the transaction.

  • cart: Object containing the total amount and an array of items to be registered in the Tonder order.

    • total: The total amount of the transaction.
    • items: An array of objects, each representing a product or service in the order.
      • name: name of the product
      • price_unit: valid float string with the price of the product
      • quantity: valid integer string with the quantity of this product
  • currency: String representing the currency code for the transaction (e.g., "MXN" for Mexican Peso).

  • metadata: Object for including any additional information about the transaction. This can be used for internal references or tracking.

  • card: (for LiteCheckout) Object containing card information. This is used differently depending on whether it's a new card or a saved card:

    • For a new card: Include card_number, cvv, expiration_month, expiration_year, and cardholder_name.
    • For a saved card: Include only the skyflow_id of the saved card.
    • This is only used when not paying with a payment_method.
  • payment_method: (for LiteCheckout) String indicating the alternative payment method to be used (e.g., "Spei"). This is only used when not paying with a card.

const paymentData = {
  customer: {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    country: "USA",
    address: "123 Main St",
    city: "Anytown",
    state: "CA",
    postCode: "12345",
    email: "[email protected]",
    phone: "1234567890",
  cart: {
    total: "100.00",
    items: [
        description: "Product description",
        quantity: 1,
        price_unit: "100.00",
        discount: "0.00",
        taxes: "0.00",
        product_reference: "PROD123",
        name: "Product Name",
        amount_total: "100.00",
  currency: "MXN",
  metadata: {
    order_id: "ORDER123",
  // For a new card:
  card: {
    card_number: "4111111111111111",
    cvv: "123",
    expiration_month: "12",
    expiration_year: "25",
    cardholder_name: "John Doe",
  // card: "skyflow_id" // for a selected saved card.
  // payment_method: "Spei", // For the selected payment method.

Field Validation Functions

For LiteCheckout implementations, the SDK provides validation functions to ensure the integrity of card data before submitting:

  • validateCardNumber(cardNumber): Validates the card number using the Luhn algorithm.
  • validateCardholderName(name): Checks if the cardholder name is valid.
  • validateCVV(cvv): Ensures the CVV is in the correct format.
  • validateExpirationDate(expirationDate): Validates the expiration date in MM/YY format.
  • validateExpirationMonth(month): Checks if the expiration month is valid.
  • validateExpirationYear(year): Validates the expiration year.

Example usage:

import {
} from "";

const cardNumber = "4111111111111111";
const cardholderName = "John Doe";
const cvv = "123";
const expirationDate = "12/25";

if (
  validateCardNumber(cardNumber) &&
  validateCardholderName(cardholderName) &&
  validateCVV(cvv) &&
) {
  // Proceed with payment
} else {
  // Show error message

API Reference

LiteCheckout Methods

  • configureCheckout(data): Set initial checkout data
  • injectCheckout(): Initialize the checkout
  • getCustomerCards(): Retrieve saved cards
  • saveCustomerCard(cardData): Save a new card
  • removeCustomerCard(cardId): Remove a saved card
  • getCustomerPaymentMethods(): Get available payment methods
  • payment(data): Process a payment
  • verify3dsTransaction(): Verify a 3DS transaction


Here are examples of how to implement Tonder Lite SDK:


For Angular, we recommend using a service to manage the Tonder instance:

// tonder.service.ts
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { LiteCheckout } from "";
import {ILiteCheckout} from "";

  providedIn: "root",
export class TonderService {
  private liteCheckout!: ILiteCheckout;

  constructor(@Inject(Object) private sdkParameters: IInlineLiteCheckoutOptions) {

  private initializeInlineCheckout(): void {
    this.liteCheckout = new LiteCheckout({ ...this.sdkParameters });

  configureCheckout(customerData: IConfigureCheckout): void {
    return this.liteCheckout.configureCheckout({ ...customerData });

  async injectCheckout(): Promise<void> {
    return await this.liteCheckout.injectCheckout();

  verify3dsTransaction(): Promise<ITransaction | IStartCheckoutResponse | void> {
    return this.liteCheckout.verify3dsTransaction();

      checkoutData: IProcessPaymentRequest,
  ): Promise<IStartCheckoutResponse> {
      return this.inlineCheckout.payment(checkoutData);

  // Add more functions, for example for lite sdk: get payment methods

  // getCustomerPaymentMethods(): Promise<IPaymentMethod[]> {
  //     return this.liteCheckout.getCustomerPaymentMethods();
  // }

// checkout.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from "@angular/core";
import { TonderService } from "./tonder.service";

  selector: "app-tonder-checkout",
  template: `
    <div id="container">
      <form [formGroup]="paymentForm">
        <div class="lite-container-tonder">
            <div id="id-name" class="empty-div">
              <label for="name">Namess: </label>
              <input id="name" type="text" formControlName="name">
            <div id="id-cardNumber" class="empty-div">
              <label for="cardNumber">Card number: </label>
              <input id="cardNumber" type="text" formControlName="cardNumber">
            <div class="collect-row">
              <div class="empty-div">
                <label for="month">Month: </label>
                <input id="month" type="text" formControlName="month">
              <div class="expiration-year">
                <label for="expirationYear">Year: </label>
                <input id="expirationYear" type="text" formControlName="expirationYear">
              <div class="empty-div">
                <label for="cvv">CVV: </label>
                <input id="cvv" type="text" formControlName="cvv">
          <div id="msgError">{{ errorMessage }}</div>
          <div id="msgNotification"></div>
          <div class="container-pay-button">
            <button class="lite-pay-button" (click)="onPayment($event)">Pay</button>
  providers: [
      provide: TonderInlineService,
      // Initialization of the Tonder Lite SDK.
      // Note: Replace these credentials with your own in development/production.
      useFactory: () =>
        new TonderInlineService({
          apiKey: "11e3d3c3e95e0eaabbcae61ebad34ee5f93c3d27",
          returnUrl: "http://localhost:8100/tabs/tab5",
          mode: "stage",
export class TonderCheckoutComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  loading = false;
  checkoutData: IProcessPaymentRequest;
  paymentForm = new FormGroup({
      name: new FormControl('Pedro Paramo'),
      cardNumber: new FormControl('4242424242424242'),
      month: new FormControl('12'),
      expirationYear: new FormControl('28'),
      cvv: new FormControl('123')
  constructor(private tonderService: TonderService) {
      this.checkoutData = {
          customer: {
              firstName: "Jhon",
              lastName: "Doe",
              email: "[email protected]",
              phone: "+58452258525"
          cart: {
              total: 25,
              items: [
                      description: "Test product description",
                      quantity: 1,
                      price_unit: 25,
                      discount: 1,
                      taxes: 12,
                      product_reference: 89456123,
                      name: "Test product",
                      amount_total: 25
          metadata: {},
          currency: "MXN"

  ngOnInit() {

  async initCheckout() {
      customer: { email: "[email protected]" },
    await this.tonderService.injectCheckout();
    this.tonderService.verify3dsTransaction().then((response) => {
      console.log("Verify 3ds response", response);
    // Calls more functions to get payment methods, saved cards, etc.

  async pay() {
    this.loading = true;
    try {
      const response = await this.tonderService.payment({
          card: { // Card details, if not using a payment method.
              card_number: this.paymentForm.value.cardNumber || "",
              cvv: this.paymentForm.value.cvv || "",
              expiration_month: this.paymentForm.value.month || "",
              expiration_year: this.paymentForm.value.expirationYear || "",
              cardholder_name: || ""
          // card: "skyflow_id" // In case a saved card is selected.
          // payment_method: "" // Payment method if not using the card form
      console.log("Payment successful:", response);
      alert("Payment successful");
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Payment failed:", error);
      alert("Payment failed");
    } finally {
      this.loading = false;

Request secure token

const jsonResponse = await liteCheckout.getSecureToken(
  secretApiKey //You can take this from you Tonder Dashboard 

Return secure token

    access: string;

Deprecated Fields

The following fields have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Consider using the recommended alternatives:

Register customer card

apiKeyTonder Property

  • Deprecated Reason: The apiKeyTonder property in the constructor and IInlineLiteCheckoutOptions interface is no longer required.
  • Alternative: Use the apiKey field.

baseUrlTonder Property

  • Deprecated Reason: The baseUrlTonder property in the constructor and IInlineLiteCheckoutOptions interface is no longer required.
  • Alternative: Use the mode field with stage | development | sandbox | production options.

signal Property

  • Deprecated Reason: The signal property in the constructor and IInlineLiteCheckoutOptions interface is no longer required.

Deprecated Functions

The following functions have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Consider using the recommended alternatives:


  • Deprecated Reason: This function is no longer necessary as registration is now automatically handled during payment processing or when using card management methods.

createOrder and createPayment

  • Deprecated Reason: These functions have been replaced by the payment function, which now automatically handles order creation and payment processing.
  • Alternative: Use the payment function.

startCheckoutRouter and startCheckoutRouterFull

  • Deprecated Reason: These functions have been replaced by the payment function.
  • Alternative: Use the payment function.


  • Deprecated Reason: This function has been renamed to saveCustomerCard to better align with its purpose. The method's usage has also been updated.
  • Alternative: Use the saveCustomerCard method and update your implementation to reflect the changes.


  • Deprecated Reason: This function has been renamed to removeCustomerCard to better align with its purpose. The method's usage has also been updated.
  • Alternative: Use the removeCustomerCard method and update your implementation to reflect the changes.


  • Deprecated Reason: This function has been renamed to getCustomerPaymentMethods to better align with its purpose. The method's usage has also been updated.
  • Alternative: Use the getCustomerPaymentMethods method and update your implementation to reflect the changes.


  • Deprecated Reason: Card registration and checkout are now automatically handled during the payment process or through card management methods, making this method unnecessary.


  • Deprecated Reason: It is no longer necessary to use this method is now automatically handled during the payment process.



  • Replace apiKey, mode, returnUrl with your actual values.
  • Remember to use the configureCheckout function after creating an instance of LiteCheckout. This ensures that functions such as payment processing, saving cards, deleting cards, and others work correctly.

Script Dependencies

For all implementations, ensure you include the necessary scripts:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
