Terraform script to setup a Rancher Cluster on the Provider Hetzner Cloud using the Domain Name Services (DNS) of Zeit.
Rancher Letsencrypt Kubernetes Docker Hetzner Zeit Terraform
- Rancher 2.0 as a Kubernetes Cluster
- Letsencrypt SSL Certificate
- Kubernetes Cluster with 4 nodes
- Docker 1.13.1
- Ubuntu 16.04.04 LTS
- Firewall UFW
- Network Hardening
- Hetzner Cloud API
- Zeit DNS
- Terraform Scripts
For Rancher 1.6 have a look into the backup file in the services/rancher-nginx folder. For Nginx with Letsencrypt Setup have a look into the services/rancher-nginx folder. You can use the other setup by changing the file main.tf script to the other services folder.
- Setup Go Language
- Setup Terraform
- Setup Hetzner Provider
- Create Account on Hetzner Cloud
- Get API Token from Project Hetzner Cloud Project
- Create Account on Zeit DNS
- Get API Token from Zeit
- Git clone this repository
- Cd into this repository
- Create a new file terraform.tfvars with the following configuration entries:
letsencrypt_mode = "--staging"
rancher_cluster = "<your-new-name-for-the-rancher-cluster>"
rancher_password = "<your-new-rancher-password>"
zeit_token = "<your-zeit-api-token>"
hetzner_token = "<your-hetzner-api-token>"
hetzner_user_name = "<your-new-ubuntu-server-user-name>"
hetzner_email = "<your-email-address-for-sendmail>"
hetzner_ip_access = "<your-local-ip-address-to-allow-ssh-through-ubuntu-server-firewall>"
hetzner_ssh_key_name = "<your-private-key-file-name-in-folder~./ssh/>"
hetzner_domain = "<your-domain-name-for-the-DNS-A-record>"
hetzner_server_count = "<your-number-of-server-nodes-to-provision>"
hetzner_server_type = "cx21"
hetzner_datacenter = "nbg1-dc3"
hetzner_hostname_format = "node-%03d"
hetzner_image = "ubuntu-16.04"
hetzner_keep_disk = "false"
hetzner_backup_window = "02-06"
hetzner_iso_image = ""
hetzner_rescue = ""
hetzner_apt_install_packages = ["python-pip","vim","software-properties-common","ufw","ceph-common","nfs-common","jq","tmux"]
hetzner_apt_install_master = ["nginx","python-certbot-nginx"]
Caution: With Rancher 2.0 it uses the --acme-domain directly with the live Letsencrypt server, which means the letsencrypt rate limits apply. So, if you run the script more than 5 times, you are locked out for some time. Read Letsencrypt's Rate Limits. You can use the staging environment with no rate limits only in the Rancher Nginx setup, which installs the Rancher Server without acme-domain certificate, but gets a Letsencrypt Staging Certificate within Nginx. If you are ready, clear the variable letsencrypt_mode from --staging to empty string, and it will run on the live server to obtain a real certificate.
Create the cluster with...
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
After the finishing of the script, go to your URL https://node-001. and login with your new rancher password.
Delete the cluster with...
terraform destroy -auto-approve
Rancher Command Line Interface:
rancher login https://node-001.<your-domain> -t token-abcdef