This package contains some extensions to the Akka.Net F# APIs.
Run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Akka.NET.FSharp.API.Extensions
if you use extensively actor
Computation Expression from the original Akka.FSharp package, you have certainly noticed that there are no way to handle the actor's lifecycle (PreStart
, PostStop
, PreRestart
, PostRestart
One way to achieve that is through types instead of actor
computation expression. Here is an example:
type PlaybackActor() =
inherit UntypedActor()
override __.OnReceive message =
match message with
| :? string as e -> // sample with handling a string
| :? int as i -> // sample with handling an int
| _ -> __.Unhandled(message)
override __.PreStart() =
// do something, like logging for example
override __.PostStop() =
// do something, like logging for example
override __.PreRestart (e, message) =
// do something, like logging for example
base.PreRestart(e, message)
override __.PostRestart e =
// do something, like logging for example
With Akka.FSharp.API.Extensions
you can handle actor
's lifecycle events directly through user predefinied messages.
The idea was "borrowed" from the excellent Akka.Net F# Api implementation called Akkling, although the implementation is different and based directly on the original Akka.Net F# Api.
Let's say we would like to handle the PreStart
use system = System.create "actor-system" (Configuration.load())
let actor =
spawn system "actor"
<| fun mailbox ->
let rec loop() = actor {
let! msg = mailbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Lifecycle e ->
match e with
| PreStart -> () // do whatever you need to do
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
return! loop ()
loop ()
The mailbox.Receive()
returns a message of type ActorMessage
. This is a wrapper around lifecycle messages and regular ones.
You have to handle it accordingly:
use system = System.create "actor-system" (Configuration.load())
let actor =
spawnOpt system "actor"
<| fun mailbox ->
let rec loop() = actor {
let! msg = mailbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Lifecycle e ->
match e with
| PreRestart(_, _) -> // PreRestart handled
| _ -> ()
| Message m ->
if m = "restart"
then failwith "System must be restarted"
else mailbox.Sender() <! m
| _ -> mailbox.Sender() <! msg
return! loop ()
loop ()
<| [ SpawnOption.SupervisorStrategy (Strategy.OneForOne (fun error -> Directive.Restart)) ]
You can create simply stateful actors with become
function. An example is more worth than words:
type Message =
| Print
| MyName of string
let rec namePrinter lastName = function
| Message m ->
match m with
| Print -> printfn "Last name was %s?" lastName
become (namePrinter lastName)
| MyName(who) ->
printfn "Hello %s!" who
become (namePrinter who)
| _ -> become (namePrinter lastName)
let system = System.create "testSystem" (Configuration.load())
let actor =
spawn system "actor"
<| actorOf (namePrinter "No One")
actor <! MyName "Tomasz"
actor <! MyName "Marcel"
actor <! Print