A pomodoro timer for i3status using py3status
Since I first wrote this plugin, I have stopped using the pomodoro technique. Py3status has also changed their code base so that users can contribute modules. Someone has contributed a pomodoro module and I suggest you use this one instead.
Firstly you need py3status configured for i3status. The process is descibed here.
Copy the python script pomodoro.py to your py3status directory. (For me it is located at ~/.i3/i3status
Restart i3 (mod+q)
The timer counts down 25 minutes. When it reaches 0 it displays a notification to that effect using notify-send
To start the countdown left click on the pomodoro module in the status bar.
To reset the time right click on the pomodoro module.
- Implement a pause feature.
- Currently the time only updates when i3status refreshes (for me thats every 5 seconds). For my clock I used a workaround so that it counts every second (I have forgotten the exact details of how this works). I want to investigate if it is possible to use a similar solution for the pomodoro timer.
- I would like to have some simple way to log your time(pomodoros). I really like gtimelog, maybe I will try to log pomodoros in the gtimelog format.