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Tiger Lu committed Jul 22, 2023
1 parent 5578fe1 commit acf43ac
Showing 1 changed file with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions examples/hatp11_scattering/problem.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
* Kozai cycles
* This example uses the IAS15 integrator to simulate
* a Lidov Kozai cycle of a planet perturbed by a distant star.
* The integrator automatically adjusts the timestep so that
* even very high eccentricity encounters are resolved with high
* accuracy.
* This example includes self-consistent spin, tidal & dynamical effects
* as well as general relativity
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rebound.h"
#include "reboundx.h"
#include "tides_spin.c"

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* r);
double tmax = 5e4 * 2 * M_PI;
double DELTA = 3.;

double obl(struct reb_vec3d v1, struct reb_vec3d v2){
return acos(reb_vec3d_dot(v1,v2) / (sqrt(reb_vec3d_length_squared(v1)) * sqrt(reb_vec3d_length_squared(v2))));

char orb_title[100] = "output_orb_3equals";
//char spin_title[100] = "output_spin_3equals";

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

int index = 0;
if (argc >= 2){
strcat(orb_title, argv[1]);
//strcat(spin_title, argv[1]);

struct reb_simulation* sim = reb_create_simulation();
// Setup constants
sim->integrator = REB_INTEGRATOR_IAS15;
//sim->heartbeat = heartbeat;

// Initial conditions

struct reb_particle star = {0};
star.m = 0.811;
star.r = 0.76 * 0.00465;
reb_add(sim, star);

// All planet masses and eccs the same
double pm = 3.60 * 9.55e-4;
double pr = 0.3 * 4.676e-4;
double pe = 0.05;

// c
double ci = 1.0 * (M_PI / 180.);
double ca = 8.68624;
double com = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double cOm = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double cf = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);

// d
double di = 2.0 * (M_PI / 180.);
double da = 13.367;
double dom = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double dOm = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double df = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);

// e
double ei = 3.0 * (M_PI / 180.);
double ea = 20.5702;
double eom = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double eOm = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);
double ef = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0., 2.*M_PI);

reb_add_fmt(sim, "m a e inc omega Omega f", pm, ca, pe, ci, com, cOm, cf);
reb_add_fmt(sim, "m a e inc omega Omega f", pm, da, pe, di, dom, dOm, df);
reb_add_fmt(sim, "m a e inc omega Omega f", pm, ea, pe, ei, eom, eOm, ef);

//struct reb_orbit orb = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(sim->G, sim->particles[1], sim->particles[0]);
//sim->dt = orb.P/15.12345; // initial timestep

// Only care about spin vector of the star?
struct rebx_extras* rebx = rebx_attach(sim);
struct rebx_force* effect = rebx_load_force(rebx, "tides_spin");
rebx_add_force(rebx, effect);
// Sun
const double solar_spin_period = 20 * 2. * M_PI / 365.;
const double solar_spin = (2 * M_PI) / solar_spin_period;
const double solar_k2 = 0.028;
// const double solar_tau = (0.2 / solar_k2) * (1 / 86400.) * 2 * M_PI / 365.; // seconds to reb years
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[0].ap, "k2", solar_k2);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[0].ap, "I", 0.08 * star.m * star.r * star.r);
rebx_set_param_vec3d(rebx, &sim->particles[0].ap, "Omega", (struct reb_vec3d){.z=solar_spin});

//double solar_Q = 1e6;
//struct reb_orbit orb = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(sim->G, sim->particles[1], sim->particles[0]);
//double solar_tau = 1 / (2 * solar_Q * orb.n);
// rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[0].ap, "tau", solar_tau);

// Spin vector of P1 just for fun...
const double planet_k2 = 0.3;
const double planet_Q = 100.;
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[1].ap, "k2", planet_k2);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[1].ap, "I", 0.25 * pm * pr * pr);
// tidally locked & 0 obliquity
const double spin_period = orb.P;
const double spin_rate = (2. * M_PI / spin_period);
struct reb_vec3d norm = orb.hvec;
struct reb_vec3d nhat = reb_vec3d_normalize(norm);
struct reb_vec3d Omega_p = reb_vec3d_mul(nhat, spin_rate);
rebx_set_param_vec3d(rebx, &sim->particles[1].ap, "Omega", Omega_p);
double planet_tau = 1. / (2. * planet_Q * orb.n);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[1].ap, "tau", planet_tau);

struct reb_vec3d newz = reb_vec3d_add(reb_tools_angular_momentum(sim), rebx_tools_spin_angular_momentum(rebx));
struct reb_vec3d newx = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, newz);
struct reb_rotation rot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(newz, newx);
if isnan(rot.r) {
rot = reb_rotation_identity();
rebx_simulation_irotate(rebx, rot); // This rotates our simulation into the invariable plane aligned with the total ang. momentum (including spin)

rebx_spin_initialize_ode(rebx, effect);

FILE* forb = fopen(orb_title,"w");
//FILE* fspin = fopen(spin_title,"w");
fprintf(forb, "#Iconds: %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n", com, cOm, cf, dom, dOm, df, ei, eom, eOm, ef);
fprintf(forb, "t,a1,i1,e1,p_ob,a2,i2,e2,pert_ob,a3,i3,e3,scat_ob,E\n");
//fprintf(fspin, "t,star_sx,star_sy,star_sz,magstar\n");

for (int i=0; i<1000; i++){
struct reb_particle* sun = &sim->particles[0];
struct reb_particle* p1 = &sim->particles[1];
struct reb_particle* pert = &sim->particles[2];
struct reb_particle* scat = &sim->particles[3];

struct reb_vec3d* Omega_sun = rebx_get_param(rebx, sun->ap, "Omega");
double star_sx = Omega_sun->x;
double star_sy = Omega_sun->y;
double star_sz = Omega_sun->z;
double magstar = sqrt(star_sx * star_sx + star_sy * star_sy + star_sz * star_sz);

//struct reb_vec3d* Omega_p = rebx_get_param(rebx, p1->ap, "Omega");
//double s1x = Omega_p->x;
//double s1y = Omega_p->y;
//double s1z = Omega_p->z;
//double mag1 = sqrt(s1x * s1x +s1y * s1y + s1z * s1z);

struct reb_orbit o1 = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(sim->G, *p1, *sun);
double a1 = o1.a;
double Om1 = o1.Omega;
double i1 =;
double pom1 = o1.pomega;
double e1 = o1.e;
double f1 = o1.f;
struct reb_vec3d norm1 = o1.hvec;

// Interpret planet spin vector in rotating frame
// Transform spin vector into planet frame, w/ z-axis aligned with orbit normal and x-axis aligned with line of nodes
//struct reb_vec3d line_of_nodes = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, norm1);
//struct reb_rotation rot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(norm1, line_of_nodes); // Arguments to this function are the new z and x axes
//if isnan(rot.r) {
// rot = reb_rotation_identity();
//struct reb_vec3d srot = reb_vec3d_rotate(*Omega_p, rot); // spin vector in the planet's frame

// Interpret the spin axis in the more natural spherical coordinates
//double mag_1;
//double theta_1;
//double phi_1;
//reb_tools_xyz_to_spherical(srot, &mag_1, &theta_1, &phi_1);

// Perturber orbital elements
struct reb_particle com = reb_get_com_of_pair(sim->particles[0],sim->particles[1]);
struct reb_orbit o2 = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(sim->G, *pert, com);
double a2 = o2.a;
double Om2 = o2.Omega;
double i2 =;
double pom2 = o2.pomega;
double e2 = o2.e;
struct reb_vec3d norm2 = o2.hvec;

struct reb_particle com2 = reb_get_com_of_pair(com,sim->particles[2]);
struct reb_orbit o3 = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(sim->G, *scat, com2);
double a3 = o3.a;
double i3 =;
double e3 = o3.e;
struct reb_vec3d norm3 = o3.hvec;

// Stellar obliquities
double p_ob = obl(*Omega_sun, norm1);
double pert_ob = obl(*Omega_sun, norm2);
double scat_ob = obl(*Omega_sun, norm3);
//ouble mi = obl(norm1 , norm2);

FILE* forb = fopen(orb_title,"a");
//FILE* fspin = fopen(spin_title,"a");
fprintf(forb, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", sim->t,a1,i1,e1,p_ob,a2,i2,e2,pert_ob,a3,i3,e3,scat_ob,reb_tools_energy(sim));
//fprintf(fspin, "%e,%e,%e,%e,%e\n", sim->t, star_sx, star_sy, star_sz, magstar);
reb_integrate(sim, sim->t+(1000 * 2 * M_PI));

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* sim){
if(reb_output_check(sim, 100.*M_PI)){ // outputs to the screen
reb_output_timing(sim, tmax);
if(reb_output_check(r, 12.)){ // outputs to a file
reb_output_orbits(r, "orbits.txt");

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