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Tiger Lu authored and Tiger Lu committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent ce852ee commit a3ffc0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 305 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions examples/kepler51/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
export OPENGL=0

ifndef REB_DIR
ifneq ($(wildcard ../../../rebound/.*),) # Check for REBOUND in default location
ifneq ($(wildcard ../../../../rebound/.*),) # Check for REBOUNDx being inside REBOUND directory
ifndef REB_DIR # REBOUND is not in default location and REB_DIR is not set
$(error REBOUNDx not in the same directory as REBOUND. To use a custom location, you Must set the REB_DIR environment variable for the path to your rebound directory, e.g., export REB_DIR=/Users/dtamayo/rebound. See
PROBLEMDIR=$(shell basename `dirname \`pwd\``)"/"$(shell basename `pwd`)

include $(REB_DIR)/src/Makefile.defs


@echo ""
@echo "Compiling problem file ..."
$(CC) -I$(REBX_DIR)/src/ -I$(REB_DIR)/src/ -Wl,-rpath,./ $(OPT) $(PREDEF) problem.c -L. -lreboundx -lrebound $(LIB) -o rebound
@echo ""
@echo "Problem file compiled successfully."
@echo "Compiling shared library ..."
$(MAKE) -C $(REB_DIR)/src/
@echo "Creating link for shared library ..."
@-rm -f
@ln -s $(REB_DIR)/src/ .
@echo "Compiling shared library ..."
$(MAKE) -C $(REBX_DIR)/src/
@-rm -f
@ln -s $(REBX_DIR)/src/ .

@echo "Cleaning up shared library ..."
@-rm -f
$(MAKE) -C $(REB_DIR)/src/ clean
@echo "Cleaning up shared library ..."
@-rm -f
$(MAKE) -C $(REBX_DIR)/src/ clean
@echo "Cleaning up local directory ..."
@-rm -vf rebound
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions examples/kepler51/problem.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rebound.h"
#include "reboundx.h"
#include "tides_spin.c"

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* r);
double tmax;
int ind;
int stable=1;
int first_set=1;
int ntest=3;
double mb;
double mc;
double md;
double cJ2;
double dJ2;

//char title[100] = "ls";
char title_stats[100] = "222_kepler_mt_stats";
//char title_remove[100] = "rm -v ls";

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
struct reb_simulation* sim = reb_simulation_create();
sim->integrator = REB_INTEGRATOR_WHFAST;
sim->heartbeat = heartbeat;

if (argc == 2){
ind = atoi(argv[1]);

sim->rand_seed = ind;
double delta = 1.02;

// Initial conditions
// Santerne et al 2019
struct reb_particle star = {0};
star.m = 0.985;
reb_simulation_add(sim, star);

// Planets
double mearth = 3e-6;
double ri = 0.5 * M_PI/180.;

// b
mb = reb_random_uniform(sim, 2.1-0.6, 2.1+1.5) * mearth;
double eb = 0.0;
double ab = 0.2514;
double ib = reb_random_rayleigh(sim, ri);
double tb = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0, 2 * M_PI);

mc = reb_random_uniform(sim, 4.0-0.4, 4.0+0.4) * mearth;
double rho_c = reb_random_uniform(sim, 1.0, 5.5);
double rho_c_converted = rho_c * pow(1.496e13, 3.) / (1.989e33); // 5 g/cm3 to rebound units
double rc = pow(((3. * mc) / (4. * M_PI * rho_c_converted)), 1./3.);
double ec = 0.0;
double ac = 0.384 * 3.0;
double ic = reb_random_rayleigh(sim, ri);
double tc = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0, 2 * M_PI);

md = reb_random_uniform(sim, 7.6-1.1, 7.6+1.1) * mearth;
double rho_d = reb_random_uniform(sim, 1.0, 5.5);
double rho_d_converted = rho_d * pow(1.496e13, 3.) / (1.989e33); // 5 g/cm3 to rebound units
double rd = pow(((3. * md) / (4. * M_PI * rho_d_converted)), 1./3.);
double ed = 0.0;
double ad = ac * pow(3./2., 2./3.) * delta;
double id = reb_random_rayleigh(sim, ri);
double td = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0, 2 * M_PI);

double planet_as[10] = {ab, ac, ad};

reb_simulation_add_fmt(sim, "primary m a e inc theta", star, mb, ab, eb, ib, tb);
reb_simulation_add_fmt(sim, "primary m r a e inc theta", star, mc, rc, ac, ec, ic, tc);
reb_simulation_add_fmt(sim, "primary m r a e inc theta", star, md, rd, ad, ed, id, td);

// tides_spin
struct rebx_extras* rebx = rebx_attach(sim);
struct rebx_force* mof = rebx_load_force(rebx, "modify_orbits_forces");
rebx_add_force(rebx, mof);

double tau_0 = -5e7 * 2 * M_PI;
double kappa = 100.;
double beta = -1.7;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < sim->N; i++){
double tau_ai = tau_0 * pow(planet_as[i-1], beta);
double tau_ei = tau_ai / kappa;
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[i].ap, "tau_a", tau_ai);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[i].ap, "tau_e", tau_ei);

struct rebx_force* effect = rebx_load_force(rebx, "tides_spin");
rebx_add_force(rebx, effect);

const double planet_Q = 1e5;
const double theta_p = 1. * M_PI / 180.;
const double phi_p = 180. * M_PI / 180;

double ck2 = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0.1, 0.8);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[2].ap, "k2", ck2);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[2].ap, "I", 0.25 * mc * rc * rc);

const double c_spin_hrs = reb_random_uniform(sim, 5./24., 1.);
const double c_spin_period = (c_spin_hrs / 365.) * 2. * M_PI; // hours to reb years
const double c_spin_p = (2. * M_PI) / c_spin_period;
struct reb_vec3d c_Omega = reb_tools_spherical_to_xyz(c_spin_p, theta_p, phi_p);
rebx_set_param_vec3d(rebx, &sim->particles[2].ap, "Omega", c_Omega);

cJ2 = (c_spin_p * c_spin_p * rc * rc * rc) / (3. * sim->G * mc) * ck2;
double corbn = sqrt(sim->G * (star.m + mc) / (0.384 * 0.384 * 0.384));
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[2].ap, "tau", 1./(2.*corbn*planet_Q));

double dk2 = reb_random_uniform(sim, 0.1, 0.8);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[3].ap, "k2", dk2);
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[3].ap, "I", 0.25 * md * rd * rd);

const double d_spin_hrs = reb_random_uniform(sim, 5./24., 1.);
const double d_spin_period = (d_spin_hrs / 365.) * 2. * M_PI; // hours to reb years
const double d_spin_p = (2. * M_PI) / d_spin_period;
struct reb_vec3d d_Omega = reb_tools_spherical_to_xyz(d_spin_p, theta_p, phi_p);
rebx_set_param_vec3d(rebx, &sim->particles[3].ap, "Omega", d_Omega);

dJ2 = (d_spin_p * d_spin_p * rd * rd * rd) / (3. * sim->G * md) * dk2;
double dorbn = sqrt(sim->G * (star.m + md) / (0.509 * 0.509 * 0.509));
rebx_set_param_double(rebx, &sim->particles[3].ap, "tau", 1./(2.*dorbn*planet_Q));

struct reb_vec3d newz = reb_vec3d_add(reb_simulation_angular_momentum(sim), rebx_tools_spin_angular_momentum(rebx));
//struct reb_vec3d newz = reb_simulation_angular_momentum(sim);
struct reb_vec3d newx = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, newz);
struct reb_rotation rot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(newz, newx);
if (isnan(rot.r)) {
rot = reb_rotation_identity();

rebx_simulation_irotate(rebx, rot);
rebx_spin_initialize_ode(rebx, effect);

const double c_alpha_init = 0.5 * (star.m / mc) * pow((rc / ac), 3.) * (ck2 / 0.25) * c_spin_p;
const double d_alpha_init = 0.5 * (star.m / md) * pow((rd / ad), 3.) * (dk2 / 0.25) * d_spin_p;

struct reb_orbit o = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[1], sim->particles[0]);
tmax = 1e3*2*M_PI;//o.P * 1e8;
sim->dt = o.P / 15.12345;
reb_simulation_integrate(sim, tmax);

// Spin axes
struct reb_orbit orbb = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[1], sim->particles[0]);
struct reb_orbit orbc = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[2], sim->particles[0]);
struct reb_orbit orbd = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[3], sim->particles[0]);
struct reb_vec3d nc = orbc.hvec;
struct reb_vec3d nd = orbd.hvec;

struct reb_particle* pc = &sim->particles[2];
struct reb_vec3d* cOmega_inv = rebx_get_param(rebx, pc->ap, "Omega");
struct reb_vec3d cline_of_nodes = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, nc);
struct reb_rotation crot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(nc, cline_of_nodes); // Arguments to this function are the new z and x axes
if (isnan(crot.r)) {
crot = reb_rotation_identity();
struct reb_vec3d cOmega = reb_vec3d_rotate(*cOmega_inv, crot);

double cmagp;
double cthetap;
double cphip;
reb_tools_xyz_to_spherical(cOmega, &cmagp, &cthetap, &cphip);

struct reb_particle* pd = &sim->particles[3];
struct reb_vec3d* dOmega_inv = rebx_get_param(rebx, pd->ap, "Omega");
struct reb_vec3d dline_of_nodes = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, nd);
struct reb_rotation drot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(nd, dline_of_nodes); // Arguments to this function are the new z and x axes
if (isnan(drot.r)) {
drot = reb_rotation_identity();
struct reb_vec3d dOmega = reb_vec3d_rotate(*dOmega_inv, drot);

double dmagp;
double dthetap;
double dphip;
reb_tools_xyz_to_spherical(dOmega, &dmagp, &dthetap, &dphip);

const double c_alpha_final = 0.5 * (star.m/mc) * pow((rc / orbc.a), 3.) * (ck2 / 0.25) * cmagp;
const double d_alpha_final = 0.5 * (star.m/md) * pow((rd / orbd.a), 3.) * (dk2 / 0.25) * dmagp;

const double new_cJ2 = (cmagp * cmagp * cmagp * rc * rc * rc) / (3. * sim->G * mc) * ck2;
const double cLR = pow(new_cJ2 * rc * rc * orbc.a * orbc.a * orbc.a * pow((1. - orbc.e * orbc.e),3./2.) * (mc/star.m), 1./5.);

const double new_dJ2 = (dmagp * dmagp * dmagp * rd * rd * rd) / (3. * sim->G * md) * dk2;
const double dLR = pow(new_dJ2 * rd * rd * orbd.a * orbd.a * orbd.a * pow((1. - orbd.e * orbd.e),3./2.) * (md/star.m), 1./5.);

FILE* sf = fopen(title_stats, "a");
fprintf(sf, "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%e,%e,%e,%e,%f,%f,%f\n", ind, rho_c, rho_d, mb/mearth, mc/mearth,md/mearth, rc/4.259e-5, rd/4.259e-5, cthetap * 180./M_PI, dthetap * 180./M_PI,ck2,dk2,c_spin_hrs * 24.,d_spin_hrs * 24.,cLR/rc,dLR/rd,cJ2,dJ2,c_alpha_init,d_alpha_init,orbb.a,orbc.a,orbd.a);

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* sim){
// Output spin and orbital information to file
if(reb_simulation_output_check(sim, 1. * 2 * M_PI)){ // outputs every 10 REBOUND years
struct rebx_extras* const rebx = sim->extras;
struct reb_particle* sun = &sim->particles[0];
struct reb_particle* planet = &sim->particles[5];
//struct reb_orbit ob = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[1], sim->particles[0]);
//struct reb_orbit oc = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[2], sim->particles[0]);
//struct reb_orbit od = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[3], sim->particles[0]);
//struct reb_orbit oe = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[4], sim->particles[0]);
struct reb_orbit orf = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[5], sim->particles[0]);
struct reb_vec3d n1 = orf.hvec;
struct reb_vec3d* Omega_p_inv = rebx_get_param(rebx, planet->ap, "Omega");
struct reb_vec3d line_of_nodes = reb_vec3d_cross((struct reb_vec3d){.z =1}, n1);
struct reb_rotation rot = reb_rotation_init_to_new_axes(n1, line_of_nodes); // Arguments to this function are the new z and x axes
if (isnan(rot.r)) {
rot = reb_rotation_identity();
struct reb_vec3d srot = reb_vec3d_rotate(*Omega_p_inv, rot);
double mag_p;
double theta_p;
double phi_p;
reb_tools_xyz_to_spherical(srot, &mag_p, &theta_p, &phi_p);
FILE* sf = fopen(title, "a");
//fprintf(sf, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",sim->t,mag_p,theta_p,phi_p,srot.x,srot.y,srot.z,od.a,oe.a,orf.a,orf.Omega,sim->particles[5].m);
fprintf(sf, "%f,%f,%f,%f\n",sim->t,,orf.Omega,n1.x);
if(reb_simulation_output_check(sim, 10.)){ // outputs to the screen
reb_simulation_output_timing(sim, tmax);
if (first_set){
struct reb_orbit orbc = reb_orbit_from_particle(sim->G, sim->particles[3], sim->particles[0]);
if (orbc.a < 0.509){
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < sim->N; i++){
rebx_set_param_double(sim->extras, &sim->particles[i].ap, "tau_a", INFINITY);
rebx_set_param_double(sim->extras, &sim->particles[i].ap, "tau_e", INFINITY);
first_set = 0;


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