Provides a simple and easy to use wrapper class which enables developers to quickly add Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to help secure messaging systems and web services. Built for modern .NET Core apps.
This quickstart builds on the sample hello console app that is created using the .NET Core CLI tool.
.NET Core
Text editor of choice or Visual Studio Code
- Create a folder for a new .NET Core app:
mkdir hellomac && cd hellomac
- Inside the hellomac folder create a new .NET Core application:
dontnet new
- Edit the project.json file. Add to dependencies section:
- Restore packages:
dotnet restore
- At top of Program.cs file add
using Webextant.Security.Cryptography;
afterusing System;
- Edit the Program.cs file replacing the
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
code with.
string clientMsg = "A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted";
string clientSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac clientMac = new Mac(clientSecret);
var clientToken = clientMac.GenerateToken(clientMsg);
// Transport of message data and token would happen here.
Console.WriteLine("Client Token: {0}", clientToken);
// Simulate a server receiving the message and the client token then validate the data.
// Test if data has not been tampered with by generating a server side token using received message and shared secret.
string serverMsg = "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched";
string serverSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac serverMac = new Mac(serverSecret);
var serverToken = serverMac.GenerateToken(serverMsg);
Console.WriteLine("Server Token: {0}", serverToken);
// Do the client and server token match?
Console.WriteLine("Tokens Match: {0}", clientToken == serverToken);
- Build and run:
dotnet build && dotnet run
Simulate a client generating HMAC based token for the message data then sending to a server. The message is tampered with during this example.
string clientMsg = "This is a message I want to make sure is not tampered with during transport.";
string clientSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac clientMac = new Mac(clientSecret);
var clientToken = clientMac.GenerateToken(clientMsg);
// Transport of message data and token would happen here.
// Simulate altering of data which the server would receive.
string serverMsg = "This is a message I want to make sure is not tampered with during transport. But someone has altered in transport.";
// Simulate a server receiving the message and client token then validate the data.
// Test if data has not been tampered with by generating a server side token using message and shared secret.
string serverSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac serverMac = new Mac(serverSecret);
var serverToken = serverMac.GenerateToken(serverMsg);
// Client and server tokens match if message data has not been altered.
Assert.AreNotEqual(clientToken, serverToken); // message has been altered, tokens are not equal
Simulate a client generating HMAC based token for key/val data and sending token and data to a server.
string clientSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac clientMac = new Mac(clientSecret);
clientMac.AddKeyVal("message", "This is some data");
clientMac.AddKeyVal("datetime", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());
clientMac.AddKeyVal("some_other", "important data.");
var clientToken = clientMac.GenerateTokenFromKeyVal();
// Transport of data and token would happen here.
// Simulate a server receiving the same data and the clients token then validate the data
// has not been tampered with by generating a server side token using data and secret.
string serverSecret = "secret_key"; // secret must match on both ends
Mac serverMac = new Mac(serverSecret);
// Server side would need to extract key/val data here then add to MAC
serverMac.AddKeyVal("message", "This is some data");
serverMac.AddKeyVal("datetime", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());
serverMac.AddKeyVal("some_other", "important data.");
var serverToken = serverMac.GenerateTokenFromKeyVal();
// Client and server tokens match if message data has not been altered.
Assert.AreEqual(clientToken, serverToken);