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pynigma is a Python client for the Enigma API. Please see the API documentation here.

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pynigma can be installed using pip

pip install pynigma


There is no setup required, but I recommend creating a .env that creates an environment variable with your Enigma API key. An example .env is included in this repository. You can copy the .env-example to a .env and fill in your API key, or echo the export statement to a .env file from the command line.

cp .env-example .env
# or
echo `export ENIGMA_API_KEY='<YOUR API KEY HERE>'` >> .env

You will need to source the .env file to make $ENIGMA_API_KEY available in your environment.


Documentation can be built with

python build_sphinx
cd build/html/sphinx; python -m http.server 6969


pynigma is tested with unittest. To run the tests

python -m unittest discover tests/

To run tests with coverage

coverage run test
coverage report

To see an HTML coverage report

coverage html
cd build/html/coverage; python -m http.server 6969