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Installation instructions

Thomas Zierer edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

There are two ways of installing the z/OS Explorer Development Features:

  1. Extenting an existing z/OS Explorer installation
  2. Installing the feature as a standalone product. For this you will to make some adjustments, depending on your environment (operating system, system architecture) and build it from scratch.

Extend z/OS Explorer


  • Accept the license agreements (Eclipse Public License EPL 2.0)
  • The plugins aren't signend (yet) so please choose to trust them.
  • Restart z/OS Explorer

Install standalone


  • Git
  • JDK 17 (necessary for the tycho build, the plugins only need JDK 8)
  • Apache maven 3.6+

Build it

  • Clone the de.tgmz.zdev repository
  • Open the high level pom.xml and locate the org.eclipse.tycho:target-platform-configuration plugin
  • The configuration section defaults to Windows, *nix and MacOS are commented out, so adjust it to your environment.
  • Run mvn verify -Pmaterialize -Djcs.skip=true -DskipTests=true
  • Unzip de.tgmz.zdev/de.tgmz.zdev.product/target/products/'your environment'
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