Dotfiles for my Dell laptop setup on the latest herbstluftwm-git.
- OS: Arch
- WM: herbstluftwm
- Terminal: urxvt
- Shell: Fish with tide prompt
- Browser: Qutebrowser
- Editor: Neovim
- System monitor: Htop
- Launcher: Sway-desktop-launcher
- Overlay bars: Xob
- Bar: Lemonbar
- Fonts: spectrum's berry for UI, Cozette for terminal icons, Siji for bar icons, and Kochi-substitute for CJK
- Music: Ncmpcpp with ncmpcpp-ueberzug and Mopidy (spotify, mpd, alsamixer,mpris)
- GTK: Everforest colored version of Elkowar's phocus/gtk fork
- File Manager: Ranger
- Chat: Weechat and discord
- Fetch: Neofetch
- Notifications: Dunst
- Compositor: Picom
- Login manager: Xinit with xsecurelock
- Theme switch:
- Colorscheme: Everforest