This is a utility to flash firmware blobs to tenstorrent devices.
Note: This is only needed if you haven't already installed luwen
- Fedora / EL9:
sudo dnf install cargo
- Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt install cargo
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Virtual environments allow Python to create a self-contained area where it can install things and deal with it's own library pathing. If you aren't doing this as a system level install a virtual environment is recommended.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
If you just want to install tt-flash, and not do any development, you can just use pip (with or without a virtual environment) to install a public version.
pip install git+
Note: if you fork the repository please fill in the appropriate accessible URL above to install tt-flash
tt-flash is now installed
If you haven't already cloned the repository you are reading this from clone it now, this will vary depending on where this repository is at. The official public repository is at
git clone
cd tt-flash
pip install .
or for users who would like to edit the code without re-building
pip install --editable .
usage: tt-flash [-h] [-v] [--sys-config SYS_CONFIG] [--no-color] [--no-tty] {flash} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--sys-config SYS_CONFIG
Path to the pre generated sys-config json
--no-color Disable the colorful output
--no-tty Force disable the tty command output
usage: tt-flash flash [-h] [--sys-config SYS_CONFIG] --fw-tar FW_TAR [--skip-missing-fw] [--force] [--no-reset]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sys-config SYS_CONFIG
Path to the pre generated sys-config json
--fw-tar FW_TAR Path to the firmware tarball
--skip-missing-fw If the fw packages doesn't contain the fw for a detected board, continue flashing
--force Force update the ROM
--no-reset Do not reset devices at the end of flash
tt-flash flash --fw-tar <firmware bundle file path goes here>
If you are using a Grayskull based card, the card itself does not have an on-board reset mechanism, and you will need to reboot to have the new firmware apply.
Firmware files are licensed and distributed independently of tt-flash, as this is just the system to deal with the actual flashing of the images. You can find the firmware files in a seperate repo
This is an example of what you can expect the final output to look like on a system when not needing an update
$ tt-flash flash --fw-tar ~/work/build-combine-flash-pkg/fw_pack.tar.gz
Stage: SETUP
Searching for default sys-config path
Checking /etc/tenstorrent/config.json: not found
Checking ~/.config/tenstorrent/config.json: not found
Could not find config in default search locations, if you need it, either pass it in explicity or generate one
Warning: continuing without sys-config, galaxy systems will not be reset
Stage: FLASH
Sub Stage: VERIFY
Verifying fw-package can be flashed: complete
Verifying Grayskull[0] can be flashed
Verifying Wormhole[1] can be flashed
Stage: FLASH
Sub Stage FLASH Step 1: Grayskull[0]
ROM version is: (80, 9, 0, 0). tt-flash version is: (80, 9, 0, 0)
ROM does not need to be updated.
Sub Stage FLASH Step 1: Wormhole[1]
ROM version is: (80, 9, 0, 0). tt-flash version is: (80, 9, 0, 0)
ROM does not need to be updated.
And when forcing an update with --force
$ tt-flash flash --fw-tar ~/work/build-combine-flash-pkg/fw_pack.tar.gz --force
Stage: SETUP
Searching for default sys-config path
Checking /etc/tenstorrent/config.json: not found
Checking ~/.config/tenstorrent/config.json: not found
Could not find config in default search locations, if you need it, either pass it in explicity or generate one
Warning: continuing without sys-config, galaxy systems will not be reset
Stage: FLASH
Sub Stage: VERIFY
Verifying fw-package can be flashed: complete
Verifying Grayskull[0] can be flashed
Verifying Wormhole[1] can be flashed
Stage: FLASH
Sub Stage FLASH Step 1: Grayskull[0]
ROM version is: (80, 9, 0, 0). tt-flash version is: (80, 9, 0, 0)
Forced ROM update requested. ROM will now be updated.
Sub Stage FLASH Step 1: Wormhole[1]
ROM version is: (80, 9, 0, 0). tt-flash version is: (80, 9, 0, 0)
Forced ROM update requested. ROM will now be updated.
Board will require reset to complete update, checking if an automatic reset is possible
Success: Board can be auto reset; will be triggered if the flash is successful
Sub Stage FLASH Step 2: Grayskull[0] {e150}
Writing new firmware... SUCCESS
Firmware verification... SUCCESS
Sub Stage FLASH Step 2: Wormhole[1] {n300}
Writing new firmware... SUCCESS
Firmware verification... SUCCESS
Initiating local to remote data copy
Flash and verification for all chips completed, will now wait for for n300 remote copy to complete...
Remote copy completed
Stage: RESET
Starting PCI link reset on WH devices at PCI indices: 1
Finishing PCI link reset on WH devices at PCI indices: 1
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